Armed Aggressor

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An armed aggressor is someone with a weapon who is inflicting harm or danger to the campus community. This includes active shooters or anyone with a knife, gun, or weapon of any kind.

If you are in immediate danger or suspect an armed aggressor incident, call 911 immediately if you are able.

The University hosts a S.A.F.E. response to violence training throughout each semester that highlights exactly what to do in an armed aggressor situation. You can register for the training for free on the Office of Training, Development and Service Excellence webpage.

Response to an active shooter or armed aggressor

What is S.A.F.E.?

The S.A.F.E. response to violence is an easy way to remember the actions that need to be taken in any given situation that threatens the personal safety of a member of the Coastal Carolina University community. S.A.F.E. stands for secure, alert, fight, and escape. The S.A.F.E. method is meant to empower individuals during a threatening situation and equip them with ideas and knowledge of what to do in dangerous situations by proactively providing a plan of action.

Why S.A.F.E.?

There has been a consistent rise in active shooter/armed aggressor events in the United States throughout the last decade. As violence against others evolves, we have to evolve the way we respond to it and the way we prepare for it.

What do I need to know about S.A.F.E.?

While S.A.F.E. is given in the order of secure, alert, fight, and escape, it is important to know that the S.A.F.E. method can be used in any order at any time, depending on what is the best action to take in any given situation. Escape should always be the first option, if possible.


Lock doors and barricade the area.


Warn others and notify police.


Attack aggressor and protect others.


Run away and avoid danger.

Be prepared:

  • Have a plan in place ahead of time (before a threatening situation occurs). Identify escape routes, familiarize yourself with the functionality of doors in your area (if the door opens in or out, what type of lock, etc.), and be prepared to form an attack team.
  • Know who in your area has been trained in CPR and/or first aid. If no one has, consider going through training to be better prepared.
  • To request S.A.F.E. training or for more information on the S.A.F.E program, contact the CCU Public Safety at 843-349-2177.

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