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Student Advocacy in the Dean of Students Office

If CCU Public Safety was involved in responding to this incident, the Dean of Students Office will automatically be notified and take appropriate action to support you in addition to taking steps to hold individuals accountable if this act was perpetrated by a student(s).

Student Advocacy and Intervention offers guidance, support and interim remedies to help survivors of dating or relationship violence. The University can take measures to promote your safety, comfort and recovery, even if you choose not to pursue student conduct measures or criminal charges. To discuss your options, contact 843-349-4161 or sai@coastal.edu.

Title IX Coordinator

It is the role of the University’s Title IX coordinator to make sure all incidents of sexual violence are responded to accordingly. For incidents where students are the victim/survivor of sexual violence, these duties are often delegated to the Dean of Students Office. However, if at any point you are concerned about how any entity of the University has handled an incident of sexual violence, you may contact the Title IX coordinator to express your concern and seek additional support and guidance at 843-349-2382 or by emailing titleix@coastal.edu.

University Housing Staff

If you live on campus, and need immediate support from professional staff, please contact the in-hall staff. There is a resident adviser (RA) on duty in each community from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. and 24 hours a day on the weekends; the on-call cellphone number is posted throughout each community for emergency use. RAs will contact professional staff if needed.

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