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Public Safety

It is important to call the CCU Department of Public Safety as soon as possible at 843-349-2911. CCU Public Safety is made up of sworn officers and investigators trained to investigate crimes such as this.

When you call CCU Public Safety, you can be connected with a victim services coordinator who can help you take the following steps with support and clarity:

  • Providing transportation to a local hospital for medical examination.
  • Assistance with filing an initial police report with an officer.
  • Developing a safety plan tailored to your situation, which may include a change in your day-to-day routine. This could include moving to a different residence hall, making your friends aware of where you are, or asking your friends to tag along with you if you travel somewhere alone.
  • Connecting with resources that will help you move forward.

It is important to know that reporting dating violence is not the same as prosecuting (pursuing charges). The decision to pursue a criminal action is completely your choice to make.

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