Severe Weather

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Our area is vulnerable to different types of severe weather such as severe thunderstorms, flooding and tornados. For your safety, it is important that you stay weather-ready. Listen to local news or a NOAA Weather Radio to stay updated about watches and warnings issued by the National Weather Service.

  • Watch: The risk of hazardous weather has increased significantly, but its occurrence, location, and/or timing is still uncertain. Be prepared!
  • Warning: Hazardous weather is occurring, is imminent, or has been reported by spotters or indicated by radar. Take action!

To review emergency procedures specific to hazards that may impact the campus, go to

Emergency Notification

CCU uses multiple methods to communicate time-sensitive information during an emergency. The University community will be notified of emergency situations or conditions that poses an immediate risk or threat to life safety.

CCU Alert is a notification system where the University can send urgent information regarding emergencies via text messaging instantly and simultaneously to all registered mobile phones. The outdoor mass notification system may also be utilized to alert students, faculty, staff and visitors outdoors through high-powered speakers that broadcast tones and voice messages. These methods will provide instructions for the University community to take action in an emergency situation.

For more information and to sign up for CCU Alert, go to

Hurricane Preparedness

Once a hurricane is forecast to threaten our area and the governor makes the decision to issue a hurricane evacuation order for Horry County, the CCU president will announce the University is moving to Emergency Operating Level 1: Classes will be canceled, and administration and staff offices and residential facilities will be cleared and closed.

All students should have a personal evacuation plan (PEP) whether they live on campus or off campus. Residential students are required to complete their PEP when registering for housing to identify if they can evacuate on their own or require assistance. Students that live off-campus need to find out if they live in a hurricane evacuation zone so they can make plans to either evacuate or shelter in place.

Everyone needs an emergency supply kit. If you live off campus and are sheltering in place, have enough supplies on-hand to be on your own, possibly without power, for at least 72 hours. For more information about hurricane preparedness, visit

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