What is sexual violence?

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Sexual violence is gender neutral and is defined as any sexual contact without consent.

Consent is knowing, voluntary and clear permission by word or action to engage in mutually agreed upon sexual activity. Since individuals may experience the same interaction in different ways, it is the responsibility of each party to make certain that the other has consented before engaging. For consent to be valid, there must be a clear expression in words or actions that the other individual consented to that specific sexual conduct.

1. A person cannot consent if they are unable to understand what is happening or if they are disoriented, helpless, asleep or unconscious for any reason, including if they have consumed alcohol or other drugs. An individual who engages in sexual activity when the individual knows, or should know, that the other person is physically or mentally incapacitated has violated CCU's Sexual Misconduct Policy.

2. It is not an excuse that the individual responding party of a sexual misconduct allegation was intoxicated at the time of the alleged offense and that, therefore, did not realize the incapacity of the other.

3. Consent to some sexual contact (such as kissing or fondling) cannot be presumed to be consent for other sexual activity (such as intercourse). A current or previous dating relationship does not constitute consent. Silence or the absence of resistence alone is not consent. A person can withdraw consent at any time during sexual activity by expressing words or actions that he or she no longer wants the act to continue, and, if that happens, the other person must stop immediately.

If you believe you’ve been sexually violated through nonconsensual intercourse and/or you need to talk to someone about what happened, please contact CCU Public Safety at 843-349-2911 and Counseling Services at 843-349-2305.

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