Office of the CITO

ITS provides emerging, reliable, and cost-effective technology resources and services to enhance student learning and teaching as well as augment the research and administrative functions of the university.

The Associate Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Technology Officer works collaboratively with University stakeholders and the campus community to develop and implement University IT strategies. Partnering and collaborating with University stakeholders will allow for strategic value creation and the accomplishments of the University's mission, goals, and objectives. In addition, ITS works collaboratively with University stakeholders to ensure sound IT alignment and governance framework, which can be demonstrated by:

  • Implementing technology solutions and infrastructure to support pedagogy, teaching, learning, research, and administrative functions
  • Adopting best practices for technology, security, and service delivery
  • Ensuring effective system integration
  • Ensure IT system redundancy to maximize network availability and decrease the risk of failure
  • Managing and prioritizing IT projects
  • Leveraging cloud technologies and
  • Enforcing security standards and compliance.

IT services are delivered via dedicated staff and include enterprise solutions, infrastructure, and support for:

  • Enterprise technology systems and initiatives
  • Information security and management
  • Web application services
  • Hardware and software
  • Classroom technology
  • Student technology services and computer labs
  • University Housing network
  • Application services/data center
  • Cyberinfrastructure and High Performance Computing
  • Network/Internet and
  • Telecommunications.

Contact Information

Fadi Baroody
Associate Vice President for Information Technology/CITO