
Key Initiatives Archives

COMPLETE Key Initiatives below are alphabetically ordered and completed through 2021.

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Key Initiative Progress eCatalog
Description A single platform academic electronic catalog management system that will seamlessly integrate with the University systems and website, and present students with an intuitive, consistent and user-friendly navigation with printing and organizational capabilities; and will allow administration/faculty to create, organize, edit via a collaborative edit-approval workflow system, archive, and print academic catalogs and related campus publications
University Partners Provost/Academics, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Acquire, and install the necessary software, infrastructure
Phase II: Training and full implementation
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Fall 2015
Phase II: Spring-Summer 2016
Status Complete: Undergraduate and Graduate catalogs published, effective Fall 2017
Key Initiative Progress Bandwidth Enhancement
Description Greatly enhance student, faculty, and staff experience while connecting to the internet via wired and wireless networks
University Partners ITS
Major Phases Double bandwidth capacity
Implementation Timeline Fall 2014 
Status Complete
CBORD Micros Simphony Upgrade
An image depicting one hundred percent complete
Description CBORD will upgrade all registers and related systems to Micros Simphony. This upgrade is essential to operations at Coastal Carolina University.
University Partners Aramark, CBORD group, ITS
Major Phases • Phase I: Schedule upgrade; Develop project plan and execute CCU and Aramark preparations for implementation
• Phase II: CBORD completes hardware installation and upgrade; CBORD performs server adjustments for new CS Gold servers; CBORD performs server and site testing; post-project assessment
Implementation Timeline • Phase I: Nov. 2022-Dec. 2022
• Phase II: Feb. 13-24, 2023
Status Post-project evaluation stage
CS Gold Upgrade - CINO Card and Related Services
An image depicting one hundred percent complete
Description The CINO Card Services vendor, CBORD must perform a CS Gold Upgrade which is required to operate and improve CINO card services. Services that may be interrupted include CINO card door access, CINO card-related hardware, and other related CINO card services at Coastal Carolina University.
University Partners ITS and CBORD Group Services
Major Phases • Phase I: Schedule upgrade; Develop internal project plan to execute CCU preparations for implementation
• Phase II: Server preparation and vendor collaboration
• Phase III: CBORD leads the deployment of the upgrade; CBORD performs testing; post-project assessments
Implementation Timeline • Phase I: Aug. 2022
• Phase II: Nov. 2022-Jan. 2023
• Phase III: Jan. 3-7, 2023
Status Complete
Key Initiative Progress Digital Signage
Description Improve communication to students, faculty and staff with an upgrade of the University Eboard system, and allow for interactive capabilities, in select locations
University Partners University Communication, University-wide academic and administrative areas, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Acquire software, upgrade system with channel players
Phase II: Upgrade all systems
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Summer 2014
Phase II: Fall 2015
Status Complete Spring 2016
Key Initiative Progress Self-Service Finance
Description Provide a web-based solution to provide students easy access to view and manage their University financial accounts in a single experience, and provide faculty and staff administrators with a tool to streamline operations and enhance customer service
University Partners Business Services, Financial Aid and Scholarships, Student Accounts, Student Affairs, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Acquisition of software
Phase II: Software installation, programming, configuration, testing, full implementation
Timeline Phase I: May 2014
Phase II: June 2015 (full implementation for fall semester)
Status Complete
Key Initiative Progress Self-Service Financial Aid
Description A self-service, intuitive and mobile-friendly solution to guide students through the process for applying for and accepting the financial aid they need to achieve their academic goals, and provides a dashboard view of an applicant’s status that is accessible by students, counselors, and financial aid administrators.
University Partners Financial Aid, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Acquire, and install the necessary software, infrastructure
Phase II: Full implementation
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Summer 2015
Phase II: Fall 2015
Status Complete, Soft launch underway Spring 2016
Key Initiative Progress Student Planning
Description A comprehensive course planning module to enable advised and self-advised students to map their academic journey toward graduation through course plans, course scheduling, advising and approval workflows, integrated registration, real-time analytics, and reporting
University Partners Provost/Academics, Registrar, Student Affairs, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Acquire, install software, infrastructure
Phase II: Discovery, training, consultation
Phase III: Fully operational, end-user training
Phase IV: Full implementation/module rollout
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Fall 2015
Phase II: Fall 2015
Phase III: Fall 2015
Phase IV: Spring 2016
Status Complete
Key Initiative Progress Blogging Environment
Description Develop and implement technology solutions for campus-wide enterprise blogging environment for University constituents
University Partners Provost/Academic Colleges, English Department, University Communication, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Establish a campus-wide blogging application
Phase II: Develop procedures and protocols for use of services
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Fall 2014
Phase II: Spring 2015
Status Complete Fall 2015
Description Transform current, static University workflow processes for faculty and staff into a customer-friendly, paperless, near real-time, information management system. This enterprise solution will increase workflow efficiency, maximize ROI by moving toward a paperless environment, and ultimately enhance the student experience. Furthermore, it will achieve optimal integration with Colleague (formerly Datatel) and fluidity of data across colleges and departments while ensuring the integrity and security of such data.
University Partners Provost/Academics, Graduate Studies, Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid, Procurement, Human Resources, Institutional Research, Student Housing, University Counsel, Financial Services, ITS, other departments as needed
Major Phases • Discovery: Identify user needs and requirements for enhancement of workflow processes and procedures; identify IT system upgrades (software and hardware) needed to support new solutions; acquire new components, modules, and licenses; and formalize purchase agreements with the selected vendors.
• Phase I: Conduct workflow review with select departments and complete priority action items; purchase selected vendor software tools and licenses; test and evaluate solutions; conduct user and administrator training; implement solutions for graduation applications, graduate studies admissions, and vendor invoicing.
• Phase II: Purchase additional software and workflow tools.
• Phase III: Data Conversion from historical OnBase documents to Perceptive Content.
Implementation Timeline • Discovery: Summer-Fall 2014
• Phase I: Fall 2016 
• Phase II: Fall 2018 
• Phase III: Spring 2019
Status Complete
Key Initiative Progress Lecture Capture
Description Facilitate and enable lecture capturing, web-conferencing, streaming, and online collaborating, including the establishment of studio and production capabilities, for faculty and students
University Partners Provost/Academics, Deans/Faculty, Facilities
Major Phases Phase I: Evaluation and acquisition of enterprise lecture capture solution
Phase II: Implementation of solution for faculty to lecture capture
Phase III: Establish facilities in Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts, and Spadoni College of Education, establish mobile stations, implement live streaming
Phase IV: Establish facilities in the College of Science, University College, if applicable
Implementation Timeline Phase I: May 2014
Phase II: Summer 2014
Phase III: Spring 2015
Phase IV: Complete
Status Complete
Key Initiative Progress Colleague 
The University's enterprise resource planning (ERP) management system, Colleague by Ellucian (formerly Datatel), is the core of CCU operations for students, faculty and staff including critical services such as payroll, registration, tuition payment, human resources, and others. The current system is enduring maximum loads and is challenged to support continuing University growth and demands of self services and critical operations. This upgrade includes two new instances of the system, one to reside on campus and the other at an off-campus location, to ensure business continuity in the event of an emergency failure.
University Partners University-wide academic and administrative areas, ITS
Major Phases
 • Phase I: Acquire hardware servers systems via IBM partners on state contract and acquire professional services to install all required operating systems and the Ellucian solution.
 • Phase II: Install operating system in data center, configure and mirror servers, install database engine.
 • Phase III: Copy current data and code to new environment.
 • Phase IV: System testing with programmers, select end users.
 • Phase V: Copy final version of data, system to be fully operational University-wide.
Implementation Timeline  • Phase I: Spring 2018
 • Phase II: June 8, 2018
 • Phase III: June 15, 2018
 • Phase IV: June 25, 2018
 • Phase V: November 2-5, 2018
Status Complete 
Key Initiative Progress Enterprise Storage
Description Upgrade University enterprise storage system to enhance application, database and web storage operations and processes for faculty, staff and students 
University Partners ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Establish requirements for an enterprise storage solution
Phase II: Acquisition and implementation of solution components and modules 
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Summer 2014
Phase II: Spring 2015
Status Complete
Key Initiative Progress ID Entry Card System
Description Update or install ID card access system for students
University Partners University-wide, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Planning, scope and development of project
Phase II: Installation and configuration of new hardware
Phase III: Migrate current system content to new version
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Complete
Phase II: June 8
Phase III: June 12
Status Complete
Implement Ellucian Experience - MyCCU is now 100 percent complete
Description Implement Ellucian Experience, which is branded as MyCCU. MyCCU is a modern personal dashboard experience, that replaces the former non-critical key initiative of Ellucian Portal/Single Sign-On Enhancement. MyCCU simplifies tasks and information access with a personalized dashboard. MyCCU means less time spent logging in to multiple sites—and more time to make campus connections, access campus resources, and personalize the organization of things that matter at CCU.
University Partners University-wide academic and administrative areas, ITS
Major Phases • Phase I: Develop, configure and test Ellucian Experience.
• Phase II: Adjust configurations for security protocols and test environment.
• Phase III: Introduce fully operational Ellucian Experience university-wide.
Implementation Timeline • Phase I and II: Fall 2020-Summer 2021
• Phase III: Spring 2022 (soft roll-out to specific groups through Summer 2022), Fall 2022 (full roll-out)
Status Complete
Implement MFA and Self-Service Password Reset for all CCU users is 100 percent complete
Description Improve the University's information security and establish a University-wide Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) program for all CCU faculty and staff accounts, and student and alumni accounts, in concert with a self-service password change protocol.
University Partners University-wide academic and administrative areas, ITS
Major Phases • Phase I: Develop strategies, protocols, and applicable training programs.
• Phase II: Test training protocol with select University departments, and refine training based on feedback.
• Phase III: Develop, test, and finalize communications for all constituencies.
• Phase IV: Begin implementation, and track the progress of password changes, and MFA enrollment.
• Phase V: Phase I-IV for alumni in collaboration with the offices of Alumni Relations and Philanthropy.
• Phase VI: Phase I-IV for student employees in collaboration with Executive Council, IT Leadership Council, and various University Stakeholders. (Delayed due to COVID)
• Phase VII: Phase I-IV for all remaining students in collaboration with Executive Council, IT Leadership Council, and various University Stakeholders.
Implementation Timeline (adjusted due to COVID) • Phase I: Fall 2017
• Phase II and III: Fall 2017
• Phase IV: January 2018-June 2018
• Phase V: March-July 2019
• Phase VI: Spring 2020 (Delayed due to COVID)
• Phase VII: Spring 2022
Status Complete
Key Initiative Progress Integrated Assessment System
Description Identify and implement an integrated assessment and planning, accreditation, and course evaluation system.
University Partners University-wide academic and administrative areas, Provost, IRAA, ITS
Major Phases  Phase I: Discovery of assessment, planning, accreditation, and course evaluation system
Phase II: Acquisition, installation, and testing of the system
Phase III: Train select campus constituents
Phase IV: Full implementation of all three systems modules
Implementation Timeline  Phase I: Summer 2016
Phase II: Fall 2016
Phase III: Spring 2017
Phase IV: Summer 2017
Status Completed (assessment and planning: Spring 2017; accreditation, and course evaluations: Summer 2017)
‌‌Key Initiative Progress Online Orientation
Description To provide an orientation experience for online students similar to the orientations held on campus for new students through an online orientation program
University Partners Provost, Campus Life, and Student Success, Orientation, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Acquire, and install the necessary software, infrastructure
Phase II: Full implementation
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Fall 2015
Phase II: Spring 2016
Status Complete Summer 2016
Key Initiative Progress OwnCloud Sharing and Storage System
Description Provide a cloud-based file sharing/storage system for faculty and staff
University Partners ITS
Major Phases  Launched April 2014
Implementation Timeline NA
Status  Complete
Key Initiative Progress Shuttle Tracking Application
Description Provide a real-time GPS tracking solution for students and other users to determine shuttle locations and estimated arrival/departure times of campus shuttle buses 
University Partners Safety and Transportation/Transportation Services, Student Affairs, SGA, University Communication, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Determine needs and acquire the appropriate system
Phase II: Fully implement a solution 
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Completed
Phase II: August 2015 
Status Complete
Description To modernize current storage and compute infrastructure to prepare for ever-increasing workload demands through the design and implementation of a system that will be scalable and provide features capable of delivering disaster recovery and business continuity. 
University Partners ITS
Major Phases  • Phase I: Identify storage and server platforms that will most efficiently deliver adequate capacity and performance to upgrade and enhance current hardware platforms; identify components and processes necessary to deliver a fault-tolerant and redundant environment; gather overall storage system usage, applications broken down by usage and storage protocol type; and finalize and purchase solution.
 • Phase II: Identify installation locations, necessary network and power requirements; install hardware components, perform initial configurations and install necessary operating systems.
 • Phase III: Finalize fault-tolerant applications; allocate storage capacity and configure retention; migrate virtual servers from existing environments; and migrate storage volumes.  
 • Phase IV: Verify fault tolerance and fully commission.
Implementation Timeline  • Phase I: August 2018
 • Phase II: November 2018
 • Phase III: December 2018
 • Phase IV: Spring 2019-Fall 2019
Status  Complete/Ongoing Enhancement
Key Initiative Progress Technology Asset Management
Description Provide a technology solution to manage all technology equipment (computers, mobile devices, etc.) and associated patching, software licenses to assure security compliance and build University-wide effective customer service/ticketing system through ITS Service Centers for students, faculty and staff
University Partner ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Conduct strategic needs assessment, inclusive of all University stakeholders; develop specifications for solution; conduct initial training
Phase II: Purchase and implement technology solution, complete training modules and develop assessment
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Spring 2014
Phase II: Spring 2015
Status Complete
Key Initiatives Progress Voice Over IP
Description  Migrate telecommunications services from legacy on-premise Avaya system voice and messaging system to hosted Voice over IP (VoIP) solution offered by Spirit Telecommunications.
University Partners University-wide academic and administrative areas, ITS, Spirit Telecommunications
Major Phases  • Phase I: Install two Spirit PRI circuits and port all DID numbers to Spirit.
 • Phase II: Migrate campus VoIP phones and voicemail to hosted Spirit VoIP services while offering on-campus, in-person training classes for users. Training sessions for initial phone use are hosted by Spirit training technicians.
Implementation Timeline  • Phase I: Spring 2018
 • Phase II: Summer 2018 
Status Complete
Key Initiative VOIP III-IV 100 Percent
Description Migrate telecommunications services, including campus alarms and facsimile extensions, from legacy on-premise Avaya system voice and messaging system to hosted Voice over IP (VoIP) solution.
University Partners University-wide academic and administrative areas, ITS, vendor
Major Phases  • Phase III: Migrate the remainder of campus VoIP phones and voicemail to hosted VoIP services. Offer campus users on-campus, in-person training classes, hosted by vendor training technicians. Migrate all campus alarms and facsimile extensions to hosted VoIP services.
 • Phase IV: Implement call center, integrated fax capabilities, call forwarding, color touch-screen capabilities, blacklisting capabilities, and additional features. Migrate analog services.
Implementation Timeline  • Phase III: Summer 2019 
 • Phase IV: Fall 2019 - Fall 2021
Status Complete
Key Initiative Progress University Housing
Description Install and configure the University Housing portal to allow students to make online room and roommate selections, request services for maintenance and repair
University Partners University Housing, Student Accounts, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Acquire software
Phase II: Install and configure software
Phase III: Program integration with Colleague (Datatel)
Phase IV: Application installation on end-user computers
Phase V: Testing and full implementation
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Complete
Phase II: January 2015
Phase II: Spring 2015
Phase IV: Summer 2015
Phase V: Full implementation Fall 2015
Status Complete
Key Initiative Progress Website Redesign
Description Upgrade CMS system, redesign the University website and provide T4 users with options for templates
University Partners University Communication, University-wide academic and administrative areas, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: Negotiate proposals and determine the scope of work with CMS contractor, external design agency
Phase II: Establish a core team, and web advisory committee; engage stakeholders representing academic and administrative areas to garner feedback, and assist with the design and functionality of the website; get University-wide feedback on Strategic Recommendations Report
Phase III: Design and rollout of the new website
Implementation Timeline Phase I: October 2014
Phase II: May 2015
Phase III: Fall 2015
Status Launch April 2016, Complete
Key Initiative Progress Wi-Fi Enhancement
Description Enhance wireless connectivity throughout campus and in campus housing areas, allowing ubiquitous access of online services for students, faculty and staff, and campus visitors
University Partners Provost/Academics, Student Affairs/University Housing, Administrative Units, ITS
Major Phases Phase I: University Housing (Eaglin, Ingle, UP1, UP2, UP3, Woods)
Phase II: All academic buildings: BCMWS, Coastal Science, Edwards, Kearns, Kimbel Library, Prince, Smith Science, Wall, Williams-Brice
Phase III: Additional campus buildings, outdoor campus areas
Implementation Timeline Phase I: Summer 2014
Phase II: Fall 2014
Phase III: Summer 2015
Status Complete Spring 2016
WiFi Enhancement II Image showing 100 Percent Complete
Description   Enhance University Wi-Fi with new access points.
University Partners University-wide academic and administrative areas, ITS, vendors
Major Phases  • Phase I: Upgrade 162 main campus access points and existing controllers to a new version and master controllers.
 • Phase II: Upgrade 1,590 University Housing access points (University Place, Ingle, Eaglin, Woods).
 • Phase III: Build virtual machine (VM) cluster for a domain controller (DC) for full redundancy, migrate campus.
Implementation Timeline  • Phase I: Spring 2018
 • Phase II: Summer 2018
 • Phase III: Summer 2019-Fall 2021
Status  Complete