Explore Careers in Health Sciences

Students are encouraged to choose the health sciences major if interested in careers including:

Allied health professions

Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Chiropractor, Podiatrist, Pharmacist, Respiratory Therapist, Optometrist

Pre-Medicine Paths

Physician Assistant, Physician, Dentist, Orthopedist, Surgical Assistant

Patient Care

Medical Assistant, Nurse Assistant, Administrative Support

Clinical and Laboratory Support

Lab Technician, Phlebotomist, Radiologist

Health Care Management

Health Information Technologist, Medical Registrar, Health Service Manager

Photo of Penny Hall at Coastal Carolina University

Connect With Us

Follow @ccucmccollege on social media.

More Information

Greg Martel, Ph.D.

Phone: (843) 349-2957
Email: gmartel@coastal.edu
Interim Department Chair
Office: Williams-Brice 152B