General Content

2015 General Content (updated)

Use the 2015 General Content content type to add text, images and  a formatted table.

How to use

  • Check the Show on Full Width checkbox on sections using a full width page layout
  • Optionally, add a Heading
  • Optionally, add Intro Text
  • Add the main Content
  • Images added to Main content can be full width, left aligned or right aligned
    • Click the Add Media button A screenshot of the Add Media button
    • Find the image in the Media Library and click the blue Actions button A screenshot of the Actions button
    • Click 'Select with layout
      A screenshot of the actions dropdown in the media library
    • Select a layout:
      • image-left/* to left align image with caption
      • image-right/* to right align image with caption
      • image-fullwidth/* to display full width with caption
      Screenshot of image layout list in the media library
    • When the image has been added, double click the image to enter a caption
      A screenshot id the image caption dialog box
  • Check the Split Content into Columns checkbox to display the Content in two columns
  • Optionally, add a table to the Table
  • Optionally, add Friendly URL
  • Optionally, add Keywords



Heading (Intro Lead Paragraph)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod temporincididunt ut labore et dolore magnaaliqua. Id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam non nisi est. Ullamcorper sit amet risus nullam eget. Bonorum eleifend at nam,

Heading (split Column)

Paragraph Text — Split column is great for listing multiple items such as locations, degree types, and offices Morbi interdum turpis in augue consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cetero aliquam feugiat id sea. Ea case nullam consulatu qui, autem abhorreant elaboraret et sit.

Paragraph Text — Split column is great for listing multiple items such as locations, degree types, and offices Morbi interdum turpis in augue consectetur. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cetero aliquam feugiat id sea. Ea case nullam consulatu qui, autem abhorreant elaboraret et sit.


Row Column Column Column
Row 38,282 38,282 38,282
Row 38,282 38,282 38,282
Row 38,282 38,282 38,282

2015 General Content content type details

ID: 151
Name: 2015 General Content

Content element details

NameThe name of the piece of content80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Heading (h2)Content main heading90 CharactersPlain TextNo
Introduction240 CharactersPlain TextNo
Content9999999 CharactersHTMLNo
KeywordsUsed for metadata keywords (SEO)500 CharactersPlain TextNo
Split Content into ColumnsSelect checkbox to split content into two columns80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
Check if using on Full WidthSelect the checkbox to show the content on the full width secondary page80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
TableUse to add a table99999 CharactersHTMLNo