Trees in Coastal Carolina campus

2015 Hero Image (updated)


Use the 2015 Hero Image (updated) content type to add a hero which displayed at the top of the page. The hero can feature an image or a video or just the title on dark teal or light teal background. There are options to display breadcrumbs within the hero, add a dropdown of anchor links and shorten the height of the hero.

Hero Image Dimensions: 1920 x 1080 - 16:9

How to use

  • Add the title text to Heading Regular Text
  • Select the "Image or video" if using media in the hero, or plain or "Patterned or plain" for Hero Type
  • Select an image from the media library for New Hero Image
  • Select an MP4 video from the media library for Hero Video
    • When using a video, also select an image from the media library for New Hero Image
    • Check the Use Video? checkbox when using a video
  • Check the Include Breadcrumb? checkbox to display breadcrumbs as part of the hero - the breadcrumbs will display under the hero if this is unchecked
  • Check the Show Longer Hero? checkbox to increase the height of the hero
  • The default background color of the plain hero is bright teal - check the Apply Dark Teal Background? checkbox to make the background color to dark teal 
  • Optionally, add short descriptive text to Banner Description
  • Optionally, add an unordered list of content links to Anchor Code to add a drop down of anchor links

The following elements are not used in the Coastal 2024 build:

  • Hero Image
  • Hero Image Small
  • Hero Image medium
  • Heading Large Text


See the top of the page for the hero with an image.
See the Program Finder page for a shorter hero with an image.
See the Current Students page to see a shorter hero with anchor links dropdown.
See the Secondary Alt page for the hero with a video.
See the Two Column No Image page for the plain hero.

2015 Hero Image content type details

ID: 127
Name: 2015 Hero Image

Content element details

NameThe name of the piece of content80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Hero ImageThe hero image2048 KilobytesMediaYes
Heading Regular Text35 CharactersPlain TextNo
Heading Large Text15 CharactersPlain TextNo
Hero Type80 CharactersRadio ButtonYes
New Hero ImageNew Image for 2024 redesign80 KilobytesMediaNo
Hero VideoUpload from media library80 KilobytesMediaNo
Use Video?Check if using a video80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
Include Breadcrumb?Checkbox to include breadcrumb on banner80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
Show Longer Hero?Checkbox to display shorter image80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
Apply Dark Teal Background?Checkbox to display colored background80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
Banner DescriptionEnter short description as on audience gateway300 CharactersPlain TextNo
Anchor CodeFor dropdown navigation9999 CharactersHTMLNo