2024 Feature Panel


Use the 2024 Feature Panel content type to add a panel with the option of using an image with an overlapping box with various color options.  

How to use

  • Check the Check if using on Full Width checkbox on sections using a full width page layout
  • Optionally, select an image from the media library for Feature Image
  • If using an image, select the vertical alignment for Image Align
  • Select the background color of the box with Box Color
  • Select the horizontal alignment of the box with Box Align
  • Default text color is teal - check the White Text? checkbox to change the text color to white
  • Add the Box Title
  • Optionally add the Box Subheading
  • Optionally, add CTA Button Text
  • If using the CTA button, either select a page for CTA Button Internal link OR paste in the URL for CTA Button External
  • If using the CTA button, select the button outline color with CTA Button Outline


2024 Feature Panel content type details

ID: 219
Name: 2024 Feature Panel
Description: Add a feature panel to a full width or a two column page.

Content element details

NameThe Name element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Check if using on Full WidthCheck box if used on a full width layout80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
Feature ImageUpload from media library80 KilobytesMediaNo
Image AlignSelect top or bottom for image80 CharactersRadio ButtonNo
Box ColorSelect the background color of the text box80 CharactersSelect BoxNo
Box AlignSelect left or right for box80 CharactersRadio ButtonNo
White Text?Check to use white text80 CharactersCheck BoxNo
Box SubheadingEnter text for subheading above title150 CharactersPlain TextNo
Box TitleEnter text for title150 CharactersPlain TextNo
Box DescriptionEnter text for description300 CharactersPlain TextNo
CTA Button TextEnter text for the call to action80 CharactersPlain TextNo
CTA Button Internal LinkSelect a section/content for an internal link80 CharactersSection/Content LinkNo
CTA Button External Link (full URL required)Only enter this if you are NOT entering an internal link200 CharactersPlain TextNo
CTA Button OutlineSelect the button outline color80 CharactersRadio ButtonNo