2024 Google Sitemap


Use the 2024 Google Sitemap is used to generate the sitemap XML file for Google.

How to use

Add a single Studio Site - Google Sitemap content item to the Google Sitemap section. Note that the Output file name element on the section is set to sitemap-en.xml, which generates a sitemap xml file in the root folder for the website.

  • Add the IDs for the channel and/or microsites to Channel IDs - separate multiple IDs with a comma
  • Add the domain of the website to Base HREF
  • Optionally, add additional file extensions (e.g. jpg, png, mp4) toInclude file extensions - Only add if you want to include media types like images or video to your sitemap - separate multiple file extensions with a comma
  • Optionally, add any Exclusions for pages or areas of the site you wish to not be included in the sitemap - separate multiple values with a comma

2024 Google Sitemap content type details

ID: 241
Name: 2024 Google Sitemap
Description: This Content Type will create a Google Sitemap for the specified channel.

Content element details

NameThe Name element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Channel IDsId's of the channel and/or its microsites80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Base HREFThe domain of your site80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Include file extensionsThese are file extensions outside the default index pages of your website. Only add if you want to include media types like images or video to your sitemap e.g. jpg, png, mp4 etc.80 CharactersPlain TextNo
ExclusionsSections you want to exclude from the sitemap500 CharactersPlain TextNo