2024 Headline Panel


Use the 2024 Headline Panel content type to add a panel featuring a heading with optional sub-heading and/or a call-to-action button.

How to use

  • Add the Heading
  • Optionally add the Sub-heading
  • Optionally, add CTA Button Text
  • If using the CTA button, either select a page for CTA Button Internal link OR paste in the URL for CTA Button External


Sub-heading text

Heading text

CTA Button Text

2024 Headline Panel content type details

ID: 201
Name: 2024 Headline Panel
Description: Add general text content to the page.

Content element details

NameThe Name element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Sub-headingThis is a sub-heading for the content150 CharactersPlain TextNo
HeadingThis is the content heading (h2)250 CharactersPlain TextYes
CTA Button TextEnter text for the link80 CharactersPlain TextNo
CTA Button InternalSelect a section/content for an internal link80 CharactersSection/Content LinkNo
CTA Button External (full URL required)Only enter this if you are NOT entering an internal link200 CharactersPlain TextNo