2024 Homepage Hero

Trees in Coastal Carolina campus

2024 Homepage Hero



Use the 2024 Homepage Hero content type to add a hero which displayed at the top of the homepage. The hero can feature an image or a video.

How to use

  • Select an image from the media library for Banner Image
  • Select an MP4 video from the media library for Banner Video
  • Add the title text to Banner Heading


See the top of the page.

2024 Homepage Hero content type details

ID: 197
Name: 2024 Homepage Hero
Description: Used to add a hero Image to the home page.

Content element details

NameThe Name element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Banner ImageUpload an image from media library80 KilobytesMediaNo
Banner VideoUpload MP4 from media library80 KilobytesMediaNo
Banner HeadingH1 heading over banner150 CharactersPlain TextNo