2024 Primary Site Wide Alert


Use the 2024 Primary Site Wide Alert content type to add an alert containing a title, description and optional button which is displayed at the top of all pages. Add the Primary Site Wide Alert content item to the section Site Assets » Emergency Notices.

How to use

  • Add the Alert Title
  • Add the Alert Description
  • Optionally, add the CTA Link Text
  • If using a button, either select a page for the CTA Link Internal OR paste in the URL for CTA Link External
  • Select a Notice Type


See the top of the page.

2024 Primary Site Wide Alert content type details

ID: 207
Name: 2024 Primary Site Wide Alert
Description: Add a notice to the top/header of all pages

Content element details

NameThe Name element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Alert TitleThe main title of the notice. This is what shows on the notice itself.150 CharactersPlain TextYes
Alert DescriptionThis is the full text of the notice. The full details of the notice should be displayed here. Users will see this when they click the notice5000 CharactersPlain TextYes
CTA Link TextEnter text for button80 CharactersPlain TextNo
CTA Link InternalSelect section for internal link80 CharactersSection/Content LinkNo
CTA Link External (full URL required)Only enter this if you are NOT entering an internal link200 CharactersPlain TextNo
Notice TypeChoose the severity of the notice80 CharactersSelect BoxYes