2024 Success Stories


Use the 2024 Success Stories content type to add a block news story cards. Cards are displayed in a four column grid in alternating rows - a double column card followed by two sing column cards, then two single column cards followed by a double column card. The whole card is a link. Each card is a separate content item.

How to use

  • Optionally add the Stories Heading - only needs to be added to the first Success Stories content item
  • Select an image from the media library for Story Image
  • Optionally, add Eyebrow Text
  • Add Story Link Text
  • Either select a page for Story Link Internal OR paste in the URL for Story Link External 
  • Optionally, add View More Stories Text - only needs to be added to the last Success Stories content item
  • If using the button, select a page for the View More Stories Link



Stories Heading

2024 Success Stories content type details

ID: 203
Name: 2024 Success Stories
Description: Add story link boxes in a row format.

Content element details

NameThe Name element80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Stories HeadingEnter text for main heading150 CharactersPlain TextNo
Story ImageUpload 2400x1597 for larger, 616x376 for smaller80 KilobytesMediaYes
Eyebrow TextEnter text for all caps heading80 CharactersPlain TextNo
Story Link TextEnter text for the link80 CharactersPlain TextYes
Story Link InternalSelect a section/content for an internal link80 CharactersSection/Content LinkNo
Story Link External (full URL required)Only enter this if you are NOT entering an internal link80 CharactersPlain TextNo
View More Stories Texti.e. “View More Stories80 CharactersPlain TextNo
View More Stories LinkSelect section for internal link80 CharactersSection/Content LinkNo