
One of the most common questions we receive is about obtaining a degree related to cybersecurity. Cybersecurity jobs are numerous and varied from software assurance to network and system engineering, to intelligence and investigation, to policy and administration and more, so there is not one program that meets the needs of all areas.

Cybersecurity is a subset of the broad field of computer science. While Coastal Carolina University does not offer an undergraduate technical degree in cybersecurity, those majoring in the department who wish to have more of a focus on cybersecurity within their computing degree should consider the following options:


  • Information Systems with Intelligence and Security Studies 
    The Bachelor of Science in information systems foundation includes courses such as Linux administration, programming, software engineering, networking, and security. As part of the B.S. in IS, students also choose an Information Systems Environment as part of their program. Students choose a minor of study to fulfill this requirement. A popular focus area is the Intelligence and Security Studies which requires courses in the areas of intelligence analysis, communications, and operations as well as national and homeland security. In addition to the required in the information systems program, courses such as networking and security, IS students have computing electives. Choices include courses such as Offensive Security, Digital Forensics, or Anti-Forensics and Digital Privacy. Read more about the Information Systems program »


  • Information Technology
    The Bachelor of Science in information technology foundation includes courses such as advanced Linux administration, windows administration, networking, and security. As part of the B.S. in IT, students have the flexibility to choose upper-level electives. Choices include courses such as Offensive Security, Digital Forensics, or Anti-Forensics, and Digital Privacy. Read more about the Information Technology program »

  • Computer Science
    This Bachelor of Science in computer science degree is a traditional, theoretical computer science program with a focus on mathematics, programming, and algorithms. The theoretical foundation includes required networking (CSCI 270) and  security (CSCI 385) courses and can also be supplemented by an elective computing course. Choices include courses such as Offensive Security, Digital Forensics, or Anti-Forensics and Digital Privacy. Read more about the Computer Science program »


  • Cybersecurity Minor - The department offers a minor in Cybersecurity for students interested in adding an official minor in cyber security to their program of study.  (Coursework used to fulfill the requirements of this minor may not be counted toward any other minor offered by the Department of Computing Sciences. This minor cannot be used to fulfill a required minor, cognate, information systems environment, or application area requirement for any major offered by the Department of Computing Sciences.)