Research, Internship & Career Opportunities

There are so many ways to gain valuable experience including participating in research, student employment, internships, and more!  

Department of Computing Sciences Tutor

The Gupta College of Science-Research Fellows Program (RFP)

  • The Gupta College of Science RFP is the premier award for undergraduate research for STEM majors. Visit the Research Fellows Program for additional information.

Student Employment at CCU

Internships for Course Credit

  • Internship education is a mutually-beneficial partnership among students, employers, and the Department of Computing Sciences at Coastal Carolina University. Internship education provides an excellent way to apply skills and information learned in the classroom to a real-world setting while gaining invaluable experience. Students of junior year or higher may pursue an internship with the assistance of the department internship coordinator while also enrolling in CSCI 497 - Computer Science Internship.  For students applying for Internships for course credit, please contact Dr. Crystal Cox at

Career Services for Students & Alumni

Potential Employers