Medical-Psychological Withdrawal

Medical/ Psychological Withdrawal

Understanding a Medical/Psychological Withdrawal

To be considered for a Medical/Psychological Withdrawal, a student and his/her condition must be evaluated by Student Health Services or Counseling & Psychological Services(CAPS). Recommendations for Medical/Psychological Withdrawal will only be made for debilitating physical or mental illnesses. A Medical/Psychological Withdrawal allows a student to receive “W” for all semester grades regardless of whether the withdrawal occurred before or after the beginning of the “assignment of ‘WF for drops or withdrawals” period. The withdrawal generally includes all registered classes for the student. If a Medical/Psychological Withdrawal is granted, a withdrawal will be specified on the student’s transcript without the words “Medical/Psychological.” Typical conditions that may be considered for a Medical/Psychological Withdrawal are major surgery or prolonged hospitalizations, major depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, psychotic disorders, Anorexia Nervosa, and alcohol or drug dependence (conditions similar for which one would be disabled from work).

If not being seen or treated by Student Health Services or Counseling & Psychological Services(CAPS), the student may be asked to present detailed supporting medical, psychiatric, or psychological records or documents to the Health Services Director for medical conditions or to the Counseling & Psychological Services(CAPS) Director for psychiatric or psychological conditions. The Director will use this information as part of his/her evaluation. Because evaluating the student in person and/or reviewing the relevant documents, as well as speaking with other professionals involved in the student’s care is a time consuming process, two weeks are needed to determine the appropriateness of recommending a Medical/Psychological Withdrawal. 

Medical/Psychological Withdrawal Procedures

For students to initiate a Medical/Psychological Withdrawal they must complete a “Medical/Psychological Withdrawal Request” form, obtained from Student Health Services or Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS). This form should be submitted to the Director of Student Health Services for medical conditions or the Director of Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) for psychiatric or psychological conditions. The director will conduct a medical or psychological evaluation of the student and review supporting medical or psychological records. The student is required to sign a release of information form allowing the director to communicate with the Provost (or designee). The director will complete his/her portion of the “Medical/Psychological Withdrawal Request” form and send the form to the Provost (or designee). Ultimately, the decision regarding the granting of the withdrawal lies with the Provost’s Office. The Provost (or designee) may choose to meet with the student and/or consult with the instructors of the courses in which the student is enrolled prior to making the decision. 

When the Director evaluates the student, the following will occur:

  • A medical or psychological evaluation will be completed.
  • Treatment recommendations will be made.
  • Requirements for return from the withdrawal will be discussed.

Crisis students may be incapacitated or involuntarily hospitalized and unable to meet with the Director. In such cases the student’s designated next of kin may request the withdrawal on the student’s behalf by submitting the “Medical/Psychological Withdrawal Request” form. The Director will communicate withdrawal implications and return requirements to the next of kin, only if the student is unable to communicate for himself/herself. The Director will then submit the Medical/Psychological Withdrawal Request form to the Provost’s Office for approval. 

If a student (or next of kin) requests a Medical/Psychological Withdrawal, he/she agrees that the student will:

  • Pursue on-going treatment with a medical professional for medical conditions or licensed mental health professional for psychological/psychiatric conditions to address the issues which led to the withdrawal;
  • Have a substantial period of time of medical or psychological stability prior to returning to the University. This normally requires staying out of the University for at least three to six months.

When a student is provided with a Medical/Psychological Withdrawal, a “hold” is placed on his/her account preventing further registration activity and any classes for which the student is registered in the future will be dropped. The student can get the “hold” lifted through compliance with the Return from Medical/Psychological Withdrawal procedures detailed below.

Psychological Leave Procedures

If a student requires time away from the University due to psychological reasons but wishes to remain enrolled and complete the current semester, it is recommended that he/she meet with a counselor from Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) prior to the leave if he/she is able. The counselor will conduct a psychological evaluation, make treatment recommendations, and if requested, have the Dean of Students Office inform relevant University personnel of the student’s absence. If the student is not able to meet with a counselor prior to the leave, he/she or his/her next of kin may contact a counselor by phone. The student or student’s next of kin should maintain periodic contact with that counselor so that arrangements can be made for return and/or recommendations can be made regarding pursuit of a psychological withdrawal.

Return from Medical/Psychological Withdrawal

When a student wishes to return after a Medical/Psychological Withdrawal, he/she should:

  • Complete a “Return from Medical-Psychological Withdrawal” form and submit it to the Director of Student Health Services for medical conditions or the Director of Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) for psychological/psychiatric conditions when he/she wishes to re-enroll; 
  • Request that all professionals treating him/her for medical or psychological/psychiatric conditions during the absence from the University complete a “Community Provider Report Form” when he/she wishes to re-enroll;
  • Meet with the Director of Student Health Services or the Director of Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) when he/she wishes to re-enroll;

A “hold” will remain on the student’s record preventing future registration activity until these procedures are followed and the Director recommends reinstatement.

Failure to comply with recommendations for continued treatment may result in the student being involuntarily withdrawn for medical/psychological reasons.

Retroactive Medical/Psychological Withdrawal

Students will only be considered for medical-psychological withdrawals for a prior semester if they have documentation from a medical or mental health provider showing evidence of a condition during the time for which the withdrawal is requested. Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) staff will only evaluate a student for such a condition up through the last day of class.  After the last day of class, documentation must be provided from an outside provider.

Academic Fee Refunds

Refunds of academic fees due to a Medical/Psychological Withdrawal occur on the same schedule as those of regular withdrawals from the University. For information on the refund schedule, consult the University Catalog or contact the Registrar’s Office.