
Welcome to Counseling Services

The mission of counseling services is to foster mental and emotional health to help students embody holistic success.

Priorities of the service include:

  1. Treatment of mental health concerns
  2. Prevention of psychological difficulties
  3. Educating students to live emotionally and behaviorally healthy lives, and
  4. Contributing to a healthy campus environment.

Services include individual, couples and group counseling; psychiatric services; crisis intervention; assessment; workshops; referrals; and consultation. The ultimate aim of Counseling Services is to produce graduates who are "healthy citizens."

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In Counseling Services, we believe that it takes a village for every graduate to be a healthy citizen. Therefore, we view mental health as a collective care approach. We provide a variety of resources to students such as screenings, individual counseling, and crisis management. We also help students obtain appropriate services elsewhere by making necessary referrals.


Counseling Services adheres to the standard professional procedure regarding confidentiality of information and records are not part of any other Coastal Carolina University records.

Counseling and Psychological Services
Center for Health and Well-Being
251 University Blvd.