
Who's On The Chant Intervention Team

Chant Intervention Team Members (C-IT)

C-IT Core Members

C-IT Core Members

Erin McDonald *
Associate Dean of Students
Dean of Students Office
Rachael Baker
Associate Director for Resident Success
University Housing
Dr. Lashia Bowers
Counseling Services
Matthew Crawford
Department of Public Safety
Amanda Eisele
Associate Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life
Student Engagement
Christopher Winn
Assistant Dean of Students, Community Standards and Accountability
Dean of Students Office
Margarita Basabe-Cintron**
Administrative Specialist, Student Empowerment and Advocacy
Dean of Students Office

C-IT Outer Members

Charlie Wilson
Associate Director/Director of Clinical Services
Counseling and Psychological Services
Tyler Ward
Associate Director for Resident Success
University Housing
Jennifer Rega
Employee Relations Specialist
Human Resources 
Cari L. Rosiek 
Assoc AD Student-Athlete Enhancement/Sr Woman Administrator
Intercollegiate Athletics 
Mike Cruise
Director Clinic Operations
Student Health Services 
Ellen Doyle 
Director Nursing
Student Health Services 
Iliana Melendez 
Assistant Vice President/Dean of Students
University Belonging and Student Affairs 
Frankie Weeks 
Senior Director
University Advising 
Lori Cox
Director of Employee Relations and Benefit Services
Human Resources
Sandra Baldridge-Adrian
Associate Vice President for Auxiliary Enterprises
Auxiliary Enterprises
Yvonne Hernandez Friedman 
Vice President
University Belonging and Student Affairs 
Antoinette Bellamy
Director of Protected Rights/Title IX Coordinator
Title IX and Protected Rights
Amanda Bailey 
University Counsel
Robert Pellerin 
Major of Operations
Public Safety
Emily Gaspar
Interim AVP for Community Building Outreach & Student Media
Office of Accessibility and Disability Services
Kristyn Winch
University Editor
University Marketing and Communication
Charlie Wilson
Associate Director/Director of Clinical Services
Counseling and Psychological Services
 *Coordinating Team Member
**SEA Outreach Assistant




C-IT Outer Members

*Lead Team Member for C-IT
**SEA Team Member

Contact Student Empowerment and Advocacy

To contact Student Advocacy and Intervention, contact the Dean of Students Office at 843-349-4161 or


Student Empowerment and Advocacy is not therapy. The laws that apply to a confidential therapeutic relationship do not apply to all helping relationships. There may be instances when information needs to be shared with other campus partners to ensure the safety of the campus community. While confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, information will only be shared strictly on a need-to-know basis.

For effective coordination of services, you may be asked to sign a release of information.