On-Campus Resources

Emergency Housing On Campus

Student Empowerment and Advocacy partners with University Housing to provide students with emergency housing in the case of homelessness.  Requests are reviewed by both Student Empowerment and Advocacy and University Housing to determine the level of need for an emergency living arrangement.  To request emergency housing options on campus, please click here.

CINO Pantry is a free food pantry open to any and all CCU students, faculty, and staff. Visitors do not need to qualify in any way or meet any requirements to use the pantry. The CINO Pantry is completely supplied through donations from the campus and community. 
Location: Lib Jackson Student Union, A-215 
Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Student Empowerment and Advocacy is dedicated to providing comprehensive advocacy and intervention services to assist students in managing all aspects of their personal, social and academic success in an effort to balance the needs of individual students with the needs of the campus community 
Phone Number: 843-349-4161 
Email: sea@coastal.edu  
Location: Indigo Hall

Financial Aid and Scholarships support the goals of the University by assisting students and parents in identifying possible sources of assistance that will encourage economic, social, cultural and academic diversity in the student body. In fulfilling this mission, the office provides counseling and information on financial resources, educational financial planning, personal money management and debt management. 
Phone Number: 842-349-2313 
Email: finaid@coastal.edu  
Location: Baxley Hall

Student Health Services provides quality primary care as well as prevention and education services that are student-centered with an emphasis on teaching personal responsibility for health and wellness. 
Phone Number: 843-349-6543 
Location: Student Health Center – 251 University Boulevard (across from Baxley Hall)

Counseling Services provides individual, couples, and/or group experiential, cultural, and evidence-based psychotherapy to students who are experiencing a variety of concerns including but not limited to psychological, developmental, career, and educational concerns. 
Phone Number: 843-349-2305 
Location: Student Health Center - 251 University Boulevard (across from Baxley Hall) 

Title IX
Phone Number: 843-349-2382 
Email: titleix@coastal.edu  

University Housing
Phone Number: 843-349-6400 
Email: housing@coastal.edu  
Location: Tradition Hall 135 

Academic Coaching Academic Coaches are here to help you plan for and manage your time at Coastal successfully. We can help you with a wide range of topics and challenges, free of charge. 
Phone Number: 843-349-6901 
Email: ccuaced@coastal.edu  
Location: Kearns Hall 107A

Tutoring and Learning Center is comprised of Mathematics Learning Center and Writing Center, provides support for a variety of courses offered at Coastal Carolina University.  Tutoring in these centers is available to all students currently enrolled in courses at the University, free of charge. 
Phone Number: 843-349-2884 (Mathematics) & 843-349-2937 (Writing)  
Location: Kearns Hall 203 (Mathematics) & Kearns Hall 205 (Writing)