How We Support Student Success

How We Support Student Success

We assist students with a variety of concerns by working directly with them and connecting them to appropriate resources on campus and by:

  • Providing direct assistance navigating a difficult situation.
  • Aiding identifying the process(es) for resolving academic and co-curricular concerns.
  • Helping empower students to understand the CCU system, explore options, make informed decisions and act on those decisions.

We also consult with and serve as a resource for faculty and staff, parents, families, and friends, working together to serve students.

Our Staff Will…

Beyond Our Reach…

Help students arrange or connect with appropriate medical and/or mental health care

Providing mental health counseling or medical advice

Empower students to manage their academic, personal, and fiscal responsibilities

Specific advising related to academics, careers or financial aids

Monitor compliance with University behavioral expectations

Sharing personal student information with parents, faculty, or staff, unless health and safety concerns are present

Meet with and maintain contact with students to address needs

Represent or guide students in matters of criminal or civil litigation

Connect students with campus and community resources

Complete University forms on a student’s behalf

Educate the CCU Community regarding student support services, policies, and procedures

Provide students with excuse letters for the purpose of missing class