Accommodate for Students

Student Resources

Accommodate is an online terminal that allows Students, Faculty, and ADS Staff to work together in promoting accessible practices throughout the Coastal Carolina community.

In Accommodate, students can request semester accommodation letters in one online terminal. Students are also able to request Academic Coaching meetings through Accommodate, as well as schedule meetings with ADS Staff, and discuss alterations to previously discussed accommodations. Students will also utilize Accommodate to schedule exams and finals, for those students that have accommodations utilizing the ADS Testing Center.

Click here to login to Accommodate

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Below you will find pictorial walkthroughs that will assist you as you learn more about how to utilize Accommodate. Accommodate will be used for communicating classroom accommodations determined by ADS Staff to CCU Faculty.

  • Students will have access to view accommodations discussed during their initial connection meeting with ADS Staff.
  • Students will have the opportunity to request accommodations for proceeding semesters online, which will be sent to the student, and faculty memebers instructing courses the student is registered for during that semester. (replacing the paper Faculty Notification Forms (FNF's) utilized in previous academic semesters)
  • Students will also use Accommodate to schedule exams and finals with the ADS Testing Center. (replacing the paper Accessibility and Disability Proctor Sheets utilized in previous academic semesters)
  • Students will also utilize Accommodate to set up Academic Coaching meetings, general meetings with ADS Staff members, and to discuss any alterations or adjustments that may need to be made to accommodations during the semester.

Logging in to Accommodate:

Login Instructions Pictorial Walkthrough

Requesting Accommodations for upcoming (or current) semester:

Semester Request for Accommodations Pictorial Walkthrough

Scheduling meetings (Academic Coaching, General, Accommodation Adjustment):

Scheduling Meetings Pictorial Walkthrough

Scheduling an Exam with the ADS Testing Center:

Scheduling an Exam with the ADS Testing Center Pictorial Walkthrough

Should you have any questions, comments, or need clarification on any of the necessary steps, please don’t hesitate to stop by our Office, or call us at (843) 349-2503.

Accessibility and Disability Services, Coastal Carolina University

Laurel Hall - P.O. Box 261954 - Conway, SC 29528-6054
843-349-2503 (phone) 843-349-5042 (fax)