Available Resources

On-Campus Resources

Below is a list of on-campus partners who work with Accessibility and Disability Services each and every day to promote a positive campus experience at Coastal Carolina University.

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling services are offered to Coastal Carolina University students to assist students in defining and accomplishing their personal and academic goals.

University Housing

Living on campus is one of the most significant experiences students will have at Coastal Carolina University. Traditionally, students spend more time in their residential community than anywhere else on campus. In their new homes they are challenged and educated by the diversity in thought as well as the cultural and intellectual exchange that surrounds them daily.

Campus Dining Services

Food matters because we love to eat. Sitting down to enjoy our favorite foods can be the highlight of the day. But food matters even more because the foods we eat have a purpose. The food choices we make directly impact the energy and focus we need to reach our goals, every day and throughout our lives.

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students Office partners with Coastal Carolina University students, their families, faculty and staff to promote the holistic development of students focusing on student advocacy, crisis management and personal accountability.

Kimbel Library and Bryan Information Commons

Kimbel Library and Bryan Information Commons serve as a vibrant, student-centered intellectual gathering place offering portals to information and ideas that enhance learning and research for a successful, engaging and diverse community of learners.

Student Health Services

Student Health Services provides quality primary care and prevention and education services that are student-centered with an emphasis on teaching personal responsibility for health and wellness.

Intercultural and Inclusion Student Services

Intercultural and Inclusion Student Services offers cultural development opportunities grounded in social justice and inclusiveness for students, faculty, staff and the community through a variety of programming and involvement.

Digital Resources

Below is a list of digital resources, descriptions, and links to where they can be found. These digital resources can be utilized by PC/Mac devices, and there are also phone applications within this list.


Kurzweil is text-to-speech software. This is available at no-cost to all CCU students and employees. Click on the hyperlink, use the Microsoft login option and your CCU credentials. 

For example: Students with an audiobook accommodation can use Kurzweil to listen to electronic documents. 


Audacity is a PC/Mac downloadable software that can audio record information.

For example: Students with an audio recording accommodation may use Audacity to record class lectures or discussion.

Screen Recorder

Screen Recorder is a Google Chrome Extension, and requires the user to have Google Chrome as their internet web browser. The Sreen Recorer captures both audio and video.

For example: Students with an audio recording accommodation may use Screen Recorder to record a class lecture or discussion taking place in a digital space.


Evernote is a computer/phone/tablet application that allows for cloud syncing of information. In Evernote you can upload notes in multiple ways including word documents, photos, and videos.

For example: Students who experience difficulty with organizational skills will be able to use Evernote to learn how to organize notes in a digital space.

Focus Keeper (Phone App)

Focus Keeper is application that can be downloaded to both Apple and Android devices. This app promotes productivity and time management while avoiding user burnout.

For example: Students who experience difficulty with time management can use Focus Keeper to help develop positive time managment skills while working on homework, projects, and assignments.

Habitica: Gamified Task Manager

Habitica is a computer/phone/tablet application. Habitica is a gamification application that allows the user to input daily habits, goals, assignments, and projects in order to gain experience and level up your in game avatar.

For example: Students who experience difficulty with motivation can use Habitica to help develop motivation for activites throughout their day.


Accessibility and Disability Services, Coastal Carolina University

Laurel Hall - P.O. Box 261954 - Conway, SC 29528-6054
843-349-2503 (phone) disability@coastal.edu 843-349-5042 (fax)