Frequently Asked Questions

ADS Frequently Asked Questions

When and how does a student register with Accessibility and Disability Services (ADS)?
Once a student has been admitted to and officially selected Coastal Carolina University, the student can initiate the registration process with ADS. Students begin this process by completing an ADS registration online process, Accommodate, here. In addition, the student must provide verifiable, disability documentation from an appropriate third-party (i.e., a treating medical provider or evaluator and including any professional and/or state registration or licensing credentials).

What type of documentation do students submit to ADS?
Primary documentation: the student's self-report of personal experiences and academic barriers and successful accommodations, which is gathered via the registration form and during the initial set-up appointment. External documentation: medical or educational records, reports, and assessments created by health care providers or the educational system.

What happens after documentation is submitted to ADS?
After the student registers with ADS online through Accommodate and provides disability documentation, the student will receive an email with next steps, which may include logging in to Accommodate to schedule a meeting. Students who register with ADS may be asked to meet one-on-one with an ADS staff member to review disability documentation and identify appropriate accommodations.

How does a student prepare for the meeting with an ADS professional?
Please be prepared to share how your disability impacts your educational experience. It may be useful to think about the barriers a student may have experienced in the past and what accommodations have worked to reduce or remove barriers. More specifically, students may want to consider their experience with class lectures or discussions, class projects, homework, reading, and testing experiences.

Do students have to share details about their disability or diagnosis with ADS?
ADS staff will ask you about how your disability impacts your academic experience. We will not inquire about how you acquired your disability. Students are welcome to share information and experiences with ADS staff.

How are a student’s instructors notified about the student’s registration with ADS?
After students register with ADS and appropriate accommodations are identified, ADS staff create an electronic Letter of Accommodation, and the student shares the letter with each instructor. Accommodation letters include both classroom and testing accommodations. Disability documentation is not shared with instructors.

What else does ADS offer?
ADS houses the Testing Center, which allows for a distraction reduced testing environment and space for extended testing time. ADS also supports faculty and instructors with accommodation implementation. Similarly, ADS works with students seeking assistance in using accommodations at CCU (e.g. scheduling exams via Accommodate, Kurzweil text-to-speech software, Glean note taking software).

What is the difference between a 'Service' Animal and a 'Support' Animal?

Service Animal: An animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability. The work performed by the animal must be directly related to the person’s disability. The mere provision of emotional support, well-being, comfort or companionship by the animal’s presence does not constitute work or tasks for the purpose of this definition. Federal law defines service animals as dogs or in some cases, miniature horses. Species other than dogs are generally not considered service animals

Support Animal: An animal that provides emotional or other support to an individual with a disability. Support animals are not required to be trained to perform work or tasks. They may include species other than dogs or miniature horses. Support animals are not service animals.

How does a student get approved for a support animal?

Students who believe they require a support animal housing accommodation should register with Accessibility and Disability Services and have their licensed mental health provider or similar medical provider complete this provider form. Providers may also submit a formal letter that addresses all of the questions on the form. This information, along with an initial accommodation meeting, will be used to determine housing accommodations. Students do not sign up for a support animal; it is an accommodation that must be approved by Accessibility and Disability Services. Outcomes will be determined after the necessary documentation is submitted and reviewed by a member of the ADS staff, and an initial accommodation has occurred.

There is not a national registry for emotional support animals or service animals. Certificates, vests, cards, ID tags, etc. are not required for a housing accommodation. University Housing and Accessibility and Disability Services will not request these items.

Where are the gender-neutral restrooms located on campus?

Visit this link to view an interactive map with gender-neutral restrooms. Currently, all gender-neutral restrooms are individual and private.

Students And Accommodate

For students that have questions about Accommodate, please see our guides here.

Faculty and Accommodate

For faculty that have questions about Accommodate, please see our guides here.

Accessibility and Disability Services, Coastal Carolina University

Laurel Hall - P.O. Box 261954 - Conway, SC 29528-6054
843-349-2503 (phone) 843-349-5042 (fax)