Initiatives and Work

The work of the Dyer Institute consists of three initiatives: Data Analytics, Policy Analysis and Consulting, Student Engagement and Leadership.

The Edgar Dyer Institute for Leadership and Public Policy has three primary areas of operation: providing experiential learning and leadership opportunities for Coastal Carolina students; serving as a resource to nonprofit, public service and governmental entities by providing consulting work across a variety of public policy fields; and the Institute’s data analytics initiative engages with primary data collection through polling and with secondary data analysis to address public issues of our times. 

Dyer Institute Maps

Data Analytics

Harnessing the power of public opinion and public data is important for local leaders, nonprofits and the community at large. The data analytics initiative performs data collection and analysis to support the institute's policy consultation mission. In addition, it provides training in social science research methods for Coastal Carolina University students.  The analytics section is able to leverage pre-existing data, or conduct original data collection through polling, interviews and focus groups. Key areas of focus include the collection of data, statistical analysis and data visualization. 

Dyer Institute Symposium

Policy Analysis and Consulting

The Dyer Institute’s strong ties to the community are rooted in client-centered consultation work across multiple policy areas. The Institute provides services such as grant management, grant writing, data analysis and needs assessments; developing quasi-experimental research design methods; survey development and administration; and program evaluation to nonprofits, local governmental agencies, the county and region.  

Dyer Fellows In Washington, D.C.

Student Engagement and Leadership

The Dyer Institute brings together a diverse group of Coastal Carolina University students to participate in the Dyer Policy Fellowship Program. This program achieves the Institute’s goal of connecting academic theory to practice, fostering experiential learning opportunities, and equipping students with tools to be active learners and critical thinkers. As fellows, the students develop robust and relevant portfolios of work on a public policy topic of their interest and receive specific training on how to craft supplemental research materials, including a policy brief, a survey and a press release. Fellows participate in fully funded trips to the state capitol in Columbia, South Carolina, and to Washington, D.C., to explore centers of policy formation and implementation at various levels of government.