Early Alert

What is Beacon?

Beacon is an early alert system. It is one of several Campus Labs modules that CCU is currently using. Beacon provides a platform for individuals across campus – including faculty, academic advisors, athletic advisors, academic coaches, and staff in student support offices – to communicate information regarding a student’s academic behaviors. Beacon allows individuals that frequently interact with a student the ability to identify trends inside and outside of the classroom. Being able to identify these trends could be valuable in many instances, such as planning a course schedule and guiding a student to campus resources.

When a notification is submitted in Beacon, members of the student’s success network are able to view and respond to notifications as needed. The student’s success network is made up of University stakeholders that frequently interact with a student. Depending upon the student’s major and involvement on campus, these individuals might include academic advisors, academic coaches, athletic advisors, and/or mentors.

For Faculty

For Advisors & Staff

Contact Information

For questions related to advising, please email earlyalert@coastal.edu.

Beacon is administered by Institutional, Research, Assessment & Analysis.