For Students

For Students

Beacon, the early alert system, is a tool used by Coastal Carolina University to keep faculty and staff connected to each student’s academic success. Your instructor may submit an early alert if that instructor is concerned about your attendance, academic performance, or general well-being.

If you receive an early alert, this means that your instructor cares about you and wants you to succeed. Take advantage of this opportunity to have open and honest discussions with your instructor, your advisor, or any other campus member.

Does an early alert mean that I am failing the course?

Receiving an early alert does not necessarily mean that you are failing a course; however, it does indicate that your instructor may have concerns about your progress. The first step is to speak with your instructor about why you received an alert and to discuss your current standing in the course. The next step will be to take advantage of campus resources! Below are just a few of the campus resources that are available to you, at any time.

  • Your academic advisor. Your academic advisor has extensive knowledge regarding your academic history and the pathways to completing a degree, as well as information on how to navigate campus and academic resources. To schedule an appointment with your academic advisor, please visit:
  • Academic Coaching Experience Department (ACED). Academic Coaching is excited to work with you to develop solid academic skills, such as communication, general study skills, effective note-taking, test-taking strategies, and how to balance demanding schedules. To schedule an appointment with an academic coach, please visit:
  • To work on discipline-specific skills, please visit:
  • Career Services. To learn more about majors and careers that meet your interests and goals, please visit:
  • Kimbel Libary & Information Commons. To learn more about the resources, services, instruction, and facilities that Kimbel Library has to offer, please visit:


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