Step 1 Attend Abroad 101

Step 1: Attend Abroad 101

Choosing to study, research or intern abroad is one of the best decisions a student can make, and we are thrilled you are considering a semester, academic year or short-term experience!

There are academic, financial and logistical considerations that go into the process of selecting a CCU-sponsored education abroad program so students should plan early and work effectively with their campus advisors.

To ensure you have the information you need to make an informed program choice, our Education Abroad staff will be hosting special summer virtual Study Abroad 101 session every week on every other Thursday at 12:00 pm (starting May 16th) and every other Tuesday evening at 5:30 pm (starting May 21st) (all in Eastern US Time) for students interested in learning more about education abroad opportunities. These sessions are also informative for parents and other individual's within a student's support network.

All participants must register to attend one of the sessions.

  • Click here to register for any of the Thursday 12:00 pm sessions
  • Click here to register for any of the Tuesday 5:30 pm sessions

If you experience any challenges in connecting, please reach out to  

After attending this 30-45-minute session, you will be able to: 

  • Identify reasons why students should study/intern abroad with CCU 
  • Know where, when, and how they can study/intern abroad through CCU
  • Understand the requirements of studying/interning abroad

What to bring: NOTHING! We have you covered.