International Internship Detail

International Internship Enrollment Process

An international internship is an exceptional way to enhance both your academic and personal skills and can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your academic program. It is important for you to be aware of all the placement opportunities, course benefits and potential risk before making a commitment to an internship abroad. Your personal health, safety and learning experience are the University's primary concerns.

Please Note:
Before committing to ANY international internship experience (or paying any fees, completing any online applications for internship providers), students should meet at least one full semester prior to departure with the offices below to make sure that they are aware of important information that may affect their participation:

Once you have these initial insights, you are ready to get the application process started by following the steps below:


Explore or identify a new one that works for your professional and personal interest for focus, location, timing, and cost. 


Check in with your Academic Advisor and/or department internship coordinator to see how this experience might fit into your academic program, attend Abroad 101 offered by the Center for Global Engagement to learn about key questions to ask and timeline for application processing and scholarships.  Questions to ask:  

  1. What course(s) and credit(s) might this internship fulfill toward my degree completion?
  2. Which faculty member would supervise the course?
  3. What specific information is needed so that the agreement on credits/course can be used to complete the appropriate forms (learning contract, vendor agreement with provider, course agreement)?

If you don't know who this advisor is for your major, please check out this list: 


Complete International Internship Cost Sheet Calculations to determine the total actual costs (not just the program fee), timing of their required payments and cancellation terms, and review scholarship eligibility and deadlines.  Don't forget to contact the Financial Aid office for loan, payment, and scholarship options.


At the same time, go online to complete your CCU application to participate in the international internship for credit through CCU.  Contact in the Center for Global Engagement with any questions.


Complete the application requirements for your internship provider.  Work with your faculty supervisor to finalize details of the internship course along with the internship provider to complete required documentation/support materials and upload these into your CCU application in TerraDotta and get the CCU materials required for you to submit to the international internship provider.


Finalize application materials, complete pre-departure mandatory trainings and preparation from Coastal Carolina University and the international internship provider and verify the reporting/interactions needed with your faculty supervisor for the international internship.  Get going for an exceptional international internship experience!  

Deadlines for completing applications through at least step 3 above in TerraDotta via the CCU link above is as follows:

  • For internships beginning after the Fall Semester ends (December) through end of Spring Semester (May):
    • Deadline for submission is October 1 annually
  • For international internships beginning after the Spring Semester ends (May) to end of Fall Semester (December):
    • Deadline for submission is March 15 annually