Step 7: Get Ready to GO!

Between the time you are accepted and the time you go abroad, there are a handful of pre-departure items to check off your list to ensure you are properly prepared.

  • Commit. After you receive approval to participate, you must commit to participate OR withdraw your application. To commit, applicants must complete the post-decision questionnaires and signature materials within the online application. To withdraw, email
  • Mark your calendar for the mandatory CCU pre-departure orientation. This orientation addresses cultural adjustment stress, diversity abroad, health, wellness, safety and security. Your education abroad program adviser will give you the date, time and location. If you are a no-show, you will not go abroad.  If you cannot make the session due to a class schedule conflict, contact your education abroad program advisor to arrange an alternate session.
  • Set up Multi-Factor Authentication for your CCU account to keep access while you are abroad. Please use the Microsoft Authenticator app for your primary MFA authentication method. This step helps international travelers reduce their risk of having their email, Moodle and/or WebAdvisor accounts from being hacked. For detailed instructions, please visit the MFA for Students web page, and contact ITS-Student Computing Services for assistance, if needed: 843-349-2220.
  • Pay your bills. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure adherence to the program payment deadline and the tuition payment deadline. All bills must be paid BEFORE students depart from the U.S. (and this includes removing holds from your CCU student account and/or setting up payment plans that meet the requirements as noted by the Office of Student Accounts).
  • Confirm your classes. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure they are enrolled in the correct classes for the term they will be abroad. If you see an error with your course registration or need to make a change, email immediately so we can help resolve the issue.
  • Talk with your doctor. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure they are fit to participate. Your regular physician (NOT the Education Abroad staff) should advise you about the vaccines and/or medicines needed based on your travel destination(s). If you do not have a regular physician, we can direct you to local health facilities that accept travel appointments.
  • Add emergency contact information into your phone. This includes the CCU emergency contact details as well as your program/program leaders’ details. It is also a good idea to include the number and location for the U.S. embassy/consulate nearest to your housing abroad.
  • Update parents, guardians, mentors and trusted friends on your education abroad decisions… They will be impacted! Talk with loved ones about how you are preparing for your experience abroad. Communicate important information related to (health insurance, housing, etc.) Ask them to quiz you on facts about your host country. Give contact details before you leave so they know how to get in touch with you and the  in case of an emergency. Sharing this information with the people in your life will help them to better understand and support your decision to study or intern abroad. Open communication with those closest to you is a great way to prepare for a successful, positive and rewarding international experience.