Reporting Injury and Illness

Workers' Compensation: Reporting work-related injury, illness

Initial Notification: In case of accidental injury, it is an employee's responsibility to notify his supervisor or department head immediately. Any injury, no matter how slight, must be reported. Supervisors or department heads should notify the coordinator of risk management of the injury.

Medical Attention for the Work-Injured Employee: If the injured employee or his or her supervisor judges that medical attention is needed, the supervisor or other designated person may call Compendium Services at 1-877-709-2667 to report the injury and get assistance completing the First Report of Injury.

Once an employee receives initial treatment, any subsequent treatment must be by the same physician or a physician within the same practice, or upon referral by that physician. An employee who initiates a change in physician without referral or without notification and approval through Compendium Services, may not be covered further under Workers' Compensation.

Workers' Compensation Coverage of Medical Treatment: All parties treating a work-injured employee should be informed to direct the charges to: State Accident Fund, P.O. Box 102100, Columbia, SC 29221-5000.

Notice: A work-injured employee should not provide their group medical insurance (Blue Cross-Blue Shield) information to any agent in the treatment of his or her injury. If there is any knowledge of a claim for work-injury treatment being directed to Blue Cross-Blue Shield, notify the University's coordinator of risk management immediately.


OSHA Log Summary

Coastal Carolina University is required to complete annual OSHA log summary reports and ensure that they are readily available to University employees. The reporting period for the OSHA log summary reports is February 1 to April 30. Below are links to CCU's OSHA log summary reports.

2013  |  2014  |  2015  |  2016  |  2017  |  20182019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023