
  1. Shelter-In-Place will be signaled by emergency alerts to the campus community, as outlined on the Emergency Notification page.

  2. Upon the Shelter-in-Place alert, immediately seek shelter inside the closest sturdy building.

  3. If already indoors, remain in place until directed by University officials. Resist temptation to go outside until give the "All Clear" signal.

  4. Faculty members who are conducting class should remain in their classroom.

  5. Close all doors and windows, turn off air conditioning or heating units where possible, and wait for further instruction. Stay away from windows and doors or any unsecured objects that may fall

  6. DO NOT use elevators.

  7. DO NOT leave until the “All Clear” signal is received from emergency personnel. The University will disseminate information – including the all-clear to exit a building – as soon as it is available through the use of the emergency notification systems.