Experiential Learning

Experiential learning (EL) is a way for students to dive deep into their field of study by putting it to use outside of the classroom, learning more through research, or enrolling in classes that take learning to the next level.

All CCU students must complete an EL course as a graduation requirement.

On this page, you can identify ways to participate in experiential learning, discover what fellow students are doing to enhance their academic experiences, and seek out opportunities that will mold your journey at Coastal.

HTC Honors College

In the HTC Honors College at Coastal Carolina University, we emphasize the professional development of our students. While in experiential learning programs, students are immersed in professional environments that prosper teamwork, project development skills, and positive work ethics. We understand that a student's skillset is key to his or her professional success, and our mission is to mold each into professionally skilled individuals.

A couple of times this fall Prince Lawn at Coastal Carolina University will host a farmers market. students in Kim Schumacher's Journalism 314 class on television reporting, took the opportunity to get some practice.


Megan McIlreavy
Associate Dean, HTC Honors College & Center for Interdisciplinary Studies 
Kearns Hall 104D