Loan Information

Direct Student Loans:

  • Federally guaranteed need-based and non need-based student loans
  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required
  • Fixed interest rates
  • An origination fee will be charged
  • Student must be enrolled at least half time
  • For more information on Direct Student Loans click here

Parent PLUS Loans:

  • Federally guaranteed loan borrowed by a parent on behalf of a dependent undergraduate student
  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required
  • An origination fee will be charged
  • Credit check required for this loan
  • Student must be enrolled at least half time
  • For more information on PLUS loans click here

South Carolina Teachers Loans:

  • South Carolina residents interested in teaching in South Carolina
  • Student must be enrolled at least half time
  • For loan forgiveness options and more information on SC Teachers Loan click here

Private Loans:

  • If the loan is in the student's name, a cosignor is highly suggested
  • Can only be used to pay for educational expenses, such as tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation
  • Options are available for students attending less than half time
  • Click here for more information

Graduate PLUS Loans:

  • Federally guaranteed loan borrowed by a Graduate/Professional student
  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is required
  • An origination fee will be charged
  • Credit check required for this loan
  • Student must be enrolled at least half time
  • For more information on Grad PLUS loans click here


In order for funds to be available for payment purposes, applications should be submitted by:

  • June 1 for the fall semester
  • November 1 for the spring semester
  • April 1 for summer sessions