Graduate PLUS Loans

Graduate PLUS Loans

  • FAFSA is required
  • Student must maximize Direct Student Loan eligibility before using funds through the Direct Graduate PLUS Loan program
  • Grad student's credit check required
  • Per federal regulation, a net origination fee will be charged on loans.
  • Interest rate chart
  • Half-time enrollment required (at least 5 credit hours)
  • Student must maintain satisfactory academic progress according to Financial Aid Academic Progress Standards
  • Repayment begins 60 days after the funds are fully disbursed. Deferment options available while the student is in school

Through the Graduate PLUS Loan program, students may borrow up to the annual cost of attendance minus any other financial aid that the student receives for the year.

How to Apply:
1.  Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the appropriate academic year
2.  Student must Request a PLUS Loan with the federal government using the Student's FSA ID.
3.  Student must sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN) with the federal government using the Student's FSA ID
     The Master Promissory Note (MPN) may be completed after the student is approved at the end of the request process (#2) above.
4.  Complete on-line Entrance Loan Counseling for the Graduate PLUS loan .

Click here to complete the FAFSA on line.