Inside Accounts Payable

Frequently Asked Questions

Which forms are required?

All University forms are available at

Process: Requesting personal reimbursement
Form needed: Expense Settlement Form

Process: Requesting a petty cash reimbursement
Form needed: Expense Settlement Form
(receipts, and if for food purchases, a food expense justification form is also required)

Process: Requesting personal reimbursement for food expenses
Form needed: Expense Settlement Form (complete the food expense justification section)

Process: Requesting payment of an invoice $5,000 or less for goods already received such as dues and subscriptions (when PO was not done)

Form needed: No form is necessary. You should use your P-Card when charges are allowable. Write the account number to charge on the invoice and have the budget officer sign the invoice. If you cannot pay the invoice with your P-Card, forward to Accounts Payable by email to; DO NOT SEND THE ORIGINAL INVOICE.

If I've had a Purchase Order generated, do I need to let anyone know when I receive the goods ordered?

If you receive goods directly in your office instead of through Receiving, you must notify Receiving in writing – email is the most convenient method ( – that you have the goods. They must be "accepted" in the computer system before AP can pay the bill. If goods come to you through Receiving, no notification is necessary.

How long does it take to receive a personal reimbursement?

Reimbursements are normally processed within two weeks from receipt of the request in Perceptive Content.

Who must approve personal reimbursements?

Personal Reimbursement forms must be approved and signed by the budget officer for the account to be charged.

Can I approve my own Personal Reimbursement form?

Yes, but only if you are the budget officer for that account.

Can I pay for food from a "10" account?

Generally, food and beverage expenses are not allowed from 10-funds. There are certain exceptions, such as commencement or recognition activities, meals for individuals while in travel status, Board of Trustees activities, candidate interviews, University-sponsored student activities, and other special uses as approved by the President.

When do I need to complete a Food Expense Justification Form?

You must complete a Food Expense Justification Form anytime you are requesting reimbursement for food (meals or food purchased for consumption) or ordering food from Aramark. This form is included on the Expense Settlement Form.

How do I complete a Food Expense Justification Form?

You must complete the entire Food Justification section, listing all individuals who attended the event. The budget officer signs as cost center director or if the expense has been authorized by an executive officer (President or Provost and Executive Vice President) for payment from an account for which he/she is the budget officer, he/she must sign as executive officer.

How do I pay Aramark when I have food catered?

You should complete an Aramark Food Expense Justification Form, print it, obtain approval signatures and forward it to Aramark. They will submit an invoice to AP for payment. The form must be sent to Aramark before the catered event.

What if items I receive are different from those listed on my Purchase Order (more than I ordered of one or more items or a different item that was not listed)?

Contact Purchasing and request a Change Order if you want to keep the items. If you do not want to keep the items, contact the Receiving department for assistance in returning the items to the vendor.

How do I access Coastal Educational Foundation (CEF) funds for an expenditure?

You should charge the expense to your University account number and project number, and submit on the appropriate University form. Neither AP nor Purchasing can enter a CEF account number into our software system. Your University account will be reimbursed by CEF.

Can I pay an individual for services and request reimbursement on a Personal Reimbursement Form?

No! Any payment for services rendered, honoraria, speaking fees, etc., must be paid according to guidelines. An honoraria policy has been established to distinguish the terms of honoraria vs. contractual services. In all instances, appropriate paperwork must be prepared and AP or HREO procedures must be followed.