Inside Accounts Payable

University Travel

What is local travel?
Local travel for Coastal Carolina University is described as official travel within 10 miles of your official duty station.

Use of private automobile for local travel
When frequent use of a privately-owned automobile for official local travel within a 10-mile radius of the employee's official station is required, the employee may be reimbursed for mileage at the rate of $.04 per mile less than the standard business mileage rate per mile as established by the Internal Revenue Service, per University policy. Proper authorization is required for reimbursement of mileage for local travel. Requests for mileage reimbursement must be submitted using the Local Mileage Reimbursement Log. 

Local registration
Local registration can be paid using the Corporate Travel Card or personal funds. The traveler must submit a TA if you need to use a travel card to pay for the local registration and should be coded using 5385 object code.  

Required forms for University travel

  • Travel Authorization
  • Expense Settlement Form
  • Expense Advance Request

All University forms are available online at

Who completes the Travel Authorization (TA) form?
The traveler should complete the TA and have the Budget Officer approve and sign it.

When and where should I turn in my TA?
You should submit your TA to Accounts Payable by email at (One TA per email), as soon as your travel plans are approved.

What is a blanket TA and when is it used?
A blanket TA is completed in the same way as a TA for a specific trip. However, the dates are usually July 1 through June 30 for travel within a designated area (for example, in South Carolina or in North and South Carolina). Reimbursement vouchers are submitted against the Blanket TA for any travel expenses incurred while traveling in the designated area(s) during the fiscal year. A new Blanket TA must be completed each fiscal year. Employees who are required to travel within the designated area(s) often during the year normally use the blanket TA.

If I am the budget officer on an account, can I sign my own TA?
No, your supervisor and budget officer must always sign your TA.

Can I pay for an airline ticket with my CCU Visa (Procurement Card)?
No. You MUST purchase any airline tickets using the Corporate Travel MasterCard or your own personal credit card.

Can I order an airline ticket over the internet?
Yes. However, for reimbursement, you must submit a copy of your detailed airfare itinerary, which also shows a credit card payment was made.

If I want AP to pay a registration fee in advance, do I have to ask them to do that?
Yes, email your registration invoice separately from your TA to  Please write your TA number in the email. Note: If the deadline for early payment has passed, AP will pay the higher registration fee UNLESS you put a note on the form that you have contacted the conference contact person and they will accept the lower fee after the deadline. Registrations should be paid with your Corporate Travel MasterCard if accepted by the vendor. Please verify with Accounts Payable or the conference to ensure that your registration fee has been paid prior to the conference.

Are travel procedures different if I'm taking a group on a trip?
The procedures are not different but sometimes it gets more complicated than individuals travel. Group travel that involves students are processed on one (1) TA with faculty and staff and students on the same TA; object code 5345 should be used. If you have any questions, please contact AP before processing the TA, as it is much easier for all involved if you work things out ahead of time instead of trying to "fix" them after the fact.

Can I use my CCU Procurement Visa card for travel?
No, you can not use the Procurement card for travel expenses; however, a Corporate Travel MasterCard is available to all employees.

Can I get a cash advance if I have submitted a TA for a University trip?
Under extenuating circumstances, cash advances, not to exceed 80 percent (80%) of the total estimated reimbursable expenses on the Travel Authorization Form are allowed (less any prepayments such as registration fees or airline tickets). However, it is preferable for the employee to use the Corporate Travel MasterCard. Graduate students are allowed to get a cash advance for extended research or academic travel. This advance does not require extenuating circumstances, but approval by the student's advisor and budget officer is required.

How do I get a Bank of America Corporate Travel MasterCard?
Complete an application (available at and return to the Training is required to be completed prior to receiving your card.

When should I submit a Expense Settlement Form?
You should submit an Expense Settlement Form within seven (7) days after returning to campus from the trip.

Who completes the Expense Settlement Form?
The traveler completes the Expense Settlement Form.

What are per diem meal allowances for reimbursement?
Up to $35 per day for in-state travel
Up to $50 per day for out-of-state travel
Federal per diem rates for foreign travel can be obtained from the AP office.

Will I get reimbursed for breakfast if I leave home at 8 a.m.?
The following qualifications determine reimbursement for meals:

  • Departure times
  • To qualify for breakfast, you must depart before 6:30 a.m.
  • To qualify for lunch, you must depart before 11 a.m.
  • To qualify for dinner, you must depart before 5:15 p.m.

  • Return times
  • To qualify for breakfast, you must return after 11 a.m.
  • To qualify for lunch, you must return after 1:30 p.m.
  • To qualify for dinner, you must return after 8:30 p.m.

How does the meal allowance break down per meal?

  • In-state
  • Breakfast: $8
  • Lunch: $10
  • Dinner: $17

  • Out-of-state
  • Breakfast: $10
  • Lunch: $15
  • Dinner: $25

Can I get reimbursed for meals if they are provided at the conference that I am attending?
No. If meals are provided at the conference, the cost is included in the registration fee and cannot be claimed for reimbursement. On the day(s) meals are provided, the appropriate amount for the meal (example: $15 for lunch for out-of-state travel) must be subtracted from the allowable reimbursement for that day.

Can I get reimbursed for someone else's travel expenses if I actually paid the bills?
Yes. Your name should be listed as the payee on the Expense Settlement Form, but the traveler (named on the TA) must sign the Expense Settlement Form giving their approval for the reimbursement to be paid to the person named as the payee on the Expense Settlement Form.

Do I have to break down my travel expenses day by day on the Travel Reimbursement Voucher?
Yes. This is to ensure that we do not reimburse more than the daily maximum each day during your trip.

For what expenses must I provide receipts?
Receipts must be provided for lodging and meals. Meal receipts are not required if claiming the per diem. Receipts must also be provided for all other approved expenses (taxi, bus, tolls, long distance calls, etc.) except when taxi fares do not exceed $25 or parking fees do not exceed $5. If taxi fares are greater than $25 or parking fees are greater than $5, receipts must be provided. Telephone calls for official business are allowed. Personal telephone calls are allowed if charges are kept to a reasonable amount.

What rate is used for mileage reimbursement?
The standard business mileage rate established by the IRS is used to reimburse mileage. Reimbursement for personal automobile mileage is $.04 per mile less than the standard business mileage rate per mile when electing to use your personal vehicle instead of a University-contracted rental vehicle. University employees may use their personal automobile for official travel provided the University will not incur additional expenses above that of other forms of transportation available.

Can I get reimbursed for gratuities and porterage tips?
No, tips are not reimbursable expenses for state employees. In cases where travel is to large out-of-state cities where carrying your own luggage is not an option, reasonable tips may be reimbursed. Also, if you must carry heavy, excess equipment needed to conduct official University business, reasonable tips may be reimbursed. Either of these exceptions must be documented and attached to the voucher.