Post-award Administration

Post-award Fiscal Administration at Coastal Carolina University serves as a point of contact to principal investigators and departments for fiscal needs during the life cycle of funds received from external sources.

We provide fiscal administration services for grants and contracts funded from external sources accepted by the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Services on behalf of the University. These restricted funds support activities for the purpose of research, scholarly instruction and public service. We promote an environment that facilitates the University's commitment to its mission of a diverse and dynamic learning community while effectively managing the funds under its stewardship in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and to the terms and conditions of the sponsoring agencies. Our responsibilities include:

  • Establish grant awards in the University's accounting system by assigning fund numbers, creating budget, and training principal investigators (PIs) with fiscal responsibilities of their funding.
  • Review expenditures and monitor compliance of negotiated funds throughout the lifecycle of the grant.
  • Prepare financial reports, forms and invoices to meet deadlines as agreed upon with the funding agency along with cash management of receivables.
  • Act as lead for completing and discussing with external auditors the Schedule of Federal Award for the University's annual financial statements.
  • Collect data for facilities and administrative cost proposals to negotiate rates with the assigned federal cognizant agency.
  • Complete journal entries for budget revisions, expense transfers, and indirect cost expenses for conformance as described by the external grantor and University policies and procedures.
  • Report on subcontract awards along with cost share amounts to maintain within grantor's guidelines.
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