Post-award Fiscal Administration

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I move salary or fringe that has been charged incorrectly to a grant?

You will need to fill out the Journal Entry (JE) Request Form for Salaries/Fringes, have it signed by the principal investigator (PI) and given to Grants Accounting for processing.

How do I purchase supplies on a grant?

To purchase supplies on a grant, you should follow the procurement guidelines for the University as outlined on the procurement website using purchase requisitions. The PI must affirm all purchases.

How do I view current grants in the Coastal Carolina University system?

The chart of accounts is available here. The chart lists the account number of the grant, the PI and the short title of the grant.

How can I be reimbursed for petty cash spent on a grant?

You must have the original receipts attached to the Expense Settlement Form. The reimbursement form must be signed by the PI. Expense reimbursements are submitted to Accounts Payable and are processed for a check to be issued.

How can I determine the start and end dates of the grant?

The award letter you received from the granting agency and the memorandum agreement from Sponsored Programs and Research Services will have the start and end dates of a specific grant.

How do I charge travel to a grant?

Fill out a Travel Authorization Form before you travel. The form must be signed by the PI and sent to Grants Accounting for processing. To get reimbursed, complete an Expense Settlement Form. Be sure to get it signed before sending it to Accounts Payable for processing.