Campus Internationalization

Coastal Carolina University is committed to promoting a broader understanding of and involvement in the world around us.

CCU faculty have worked or completed studies toward their degrees in 64 countries. In 2018, CCU students, faculty and staff traveled to 42 countries for study, research and conferences. 

This commitment supports our mission to develop students who are both knowledgeable in their chosen fields and prepared to be productive, responsible, healthy citizens with a global perspective; to support faculty research, creative activities and expert collaboration in the community, state nation and world; and to serve as a regional center of economic and intellectual resources, lifelong learning, cultural and recreational opportunities. Partnerships on and off campus are critical to encourage, nurture and expand sustainable methods for enhancing internationalization.

Coastal Carolina is committed to doubling its students’ participation in education abroad as a part of the CCU 2016 - 2021 Strategic Plan, entitled "High Impact Engagement" and as a member of the Generation Study Abroad initiative. -Dr. Darla Domke-Damonte