Global Policy/ Risk Management

International Travel & Risk Management

CCU takes seriously the health and safety of its students, faculty and staff engaged in international activities.

All travel, regardless of destination, brings a certain level of inherent risk. To help mitigate risk for CCU travelers outside the USA, Coastal Carolina University monitors world health, safety and security events using a variety of assessment sources, including taking input from the U.S. Department of State (DOS), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), International Air Transport Association (IATA), faculty and staff experts, partners abroad, among other reputable oversight agencies.  Travel support processes have been adopted to enable travel in support of the university’s mission while we promote the health, safety, and security of Coastal Carolina University students, faculty and staff and the communities to which we travel. 

Whether you are a student, staff, or faculty member, heading to a familiar area of the globe or embarking on an entirely new opportunity, we ask you familiarize yourself with the following information prior to each travel experience you are preparing to undertake:

  • Become aware of country requirements for entry.  Many of these have changed substantially over the last few years, in some cases requiring testing or vaccination as well as Travel Health Visas (with additional costs and requirements) to be provided prior to boarding plane for the destination.  In addition, these regulations are changing sometimes daily so we encourage you to bookmark the resources noted below as they provide updates as conditions are changing.  
  • Remain aware of US requirements for reentry to the USA and to passage between countries, even in transit only situations. These restrictions affect countries of origin for travel to the USA, countries through which travel is taking place, and timing and requirements for vaccine, boosters, and testing.  

  • Follow university protocols related to requesting travel:
    • International travel requests must be submitted via the International Travel Request which will be reviewed by the Center for Global Engagement, and if required based on risk levels of destination(s), the International Travel Risk Management.  Please see  for more detail about this process and resources to help you plan.
    • CCU strongly encourages all travelers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before travel. 
    • Review the University Travel Policy (FAST-201) and the University Pocket Guide to Travel
    • To lead a short-term faculty-led program abroad, please review the Faculty-Led Program Leader Guide for timelines and training materials.
    • As you consider destinations for travel, please review the  site for more information about high risk and restricted countries, University process for approving international travel, support while travel is underway, and recall/suspension of travel.

  • Learn more about our new International Insurance Provider support through OnCall.


