Representatives & Committees

Representatives and Committees

Individuals and committees across campus work to advance global awareness and programming activities.  

College Global Engagment Liaisons

Each college appoints a designated international liaison who coordinates two-way communication about needed and desired college-level international initiatives and collaborates in developing and implementing institutional level global awareness programming, initiatives, and policies.

Global Engagement Committee of Faculty Senate

As one of Faculty Senate's standing committees, the purpose of the Global Engagement Committee is to: promote global awareness; facilitate intercultural dialogue, activity, and engagement on campus, in the community, and abroad; and advance and support programs that enhance global perspectives within our campus community. Primary duties include:

  • Advancing and reviewing programs, practices, and policies supporting global perspectives within our campus community; and
  • Providing input regarding short-term study abroad programs, including recommendations on program proposals, application cycle procedures, and Faculty Peer Mentoring Program applications.

For a link to meeting times/dates and committee membership, please visit: Global Engagement Committee of Faculty Senate

International Travel Risk Management Committee

Members of the International Travel Risk Management Committee review requests for travel to areas involving higher risk, based on destination conditions and/or purpose/intended activities to be undertaken during the travel.  This committee meets bimonthly to review travel requests.  For further information about this process, please visit: International Travel Information or review the University International Travel Policy (UNIV-491).

Current members of the committee include: