
Student Success

Student Success 学生成就

Meet a few of our accomplished students!


Feng Jiang

Feng arrived at Coastal Carolina University in 2018. While studying his Bachelor of Computer Science, he showed impressive enthusiasm for his studies and exhibited wonderful communication skills. Serving as a teaching assistant in the Department of Computing Science, he received high praise from both his professors and students he assisted. As a research student in the Department of Physics and Engineering Science, he helped to develop an electronic circuit simulator software which was considered very powerful to help students in physics classes and professor’s research.



Yuting Huang

After studying at the Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication for one year, Yuting started her new life at CCU in the fall of 2019. She likes the learning atmosphere and a beautiful teaching environment provided by CCU! She thinks that the professors and staff of CCU are very kind and friendly, and the student environment is also very enjoyable.


在北京图形传播学院学习了一年之后,玉婷开始了自己的新工作。 2019年秋天在CCU的生活!她喜欢CCU提供的很好的学习氛围和优美的教学环境!她认为CCU的教授和工作人员非常友善和友善,学生住宿环境也非常好。

Runyan Gan

The second CHEPD Student Ambassador to be employed at the Center for Global Engagement. Runyan’s major is Graphic Design, and so far she has received excellent grades! Runyan started her new life at CCU in fall of 2018, after studying at Ningbo University of Technology for one year! She enjoys the beautiful scenery and the strong academic environment that CCU offers!


