Supportive Community 辅助机构

Experience Services and Support

The Center for Global Engagement “CGE,” provides academic and personal support to international students throughout their education at CCU. CGE has an active student-led international club and encourages new international students, as well as Americans, to take part. Club trips and activities occur throughout the year.

CGE provides exceptional service to engage and mentor our international students beginning prior to their arrival on campus, , providing programs such as the Intercultural Experience Community, International Club, Chinese Club, and encouraging participation in athletic events, performances, and the more than 180 clubs and organizations at CCU.

Each year in June, Dr. Darla Domke-Damonte (Associate Provost for Global Initiatives and John King (Program Coordinator) travel to China to attend the graduation ceremony which is held for our 1+2+1 students who have returned to China and who are graduating. During this trip, Dr. Domke-Damonte and Amir will meet with our new 1+2+1 students who have been accepted to CCU and will be joining us for the fall session. Not only our new students get to meet us and ask questions, but they will also be assisted with visa application preparations, questions regarding completing their Health Immunization Forms, and important information regarding their pre-arrivals!




每年6月,Darla Domke-Damonte博士(全球倡议副院长兼国际学生)和 John King(CHEPD项目协调员)都到中国来参加我们为1+2+1返回中国并即将毕业的学生举行的毕业典礼。在他们的中国路途中,Domke-Damonte博士和King先生将会见我们新的1+2+1学生,这些学生已经被CCU录取,并将和我们一起参加秋季课程。不仅我们的新学生可以见到我们,提出问题,他们还将协助签证申请的准备,关于完成他们的健康免疫表格的问题,以及关于他们抵达前的重要信息!

ELS Intensive English

In addition to the many great programs that CCU offers, there are ELS courses which are conveniently located on our campus; provides English language support to students from all over the world! If needed, our ELS Program offers 12 levels of English to help students achieve the necessary level of English to matriculate into CCU and begin their program of study. Moreover, we work with closely with students and academic departments to try to transfer as much credit as possible from the first year in China – and potentially from the last year.

To see how CCU students, faculty, and staff are involved in many other fun ways please click here!




Packing Suggestions/Advice for your Travel:

We want to make sure that your travel to the US and to CCU is as smooth and easy as possible. Please click here for some tips on what to pack during your travel to US!

Some students may choose to bring more items with them than other students. It is completely up to each student what items he/she would like to pack and bring with them and what items he/she would like to purchase upon arrival! We hope that you find this list helps you decide which items you would like to purchase from home and which ones you would like to purchase once you are here!


