Join the CCU Global Opportunities Teams page to learn more!

CCU faculty and staff are invited to join the Teams group – Global Opportunities – on which global engagement opportunities, grants, invitations, events and other items can be shared in community of practice. Please email with subject "Add me to Teams Group" to be added. 

Health & Safety Abroad

The health and safety of CCU's campus community is most critical.  While the security of any location (at home or abroad) cannot be guaranteed, CCU makes every effort to provide a supportive structure to prevent crisis through preparation activities, and to be able to respond comprehensively and quickly in case of an emerging issue. All CCU faculty, staff and students traveling on behalf of the university must be covered by our insurance that covers medical costs abroad, repatriation and death benefits, and emergency evacuation. Moreover, CCU faculty are covered by a general liability policy while acting in their university roles abroad. We also encourage faculty to register with the Department of State STEP (Smart Traveler Enrollment Program) before traveling abroad. Fore more detailed information and links to other useful resources, please visit Health and Safety for Education Abroad.

Want to Travel Abroad with CCU Students?

  • Submit a proposal to lead a dynamic short-term faculty-led study abroad program. Programs offer one or more CCU courses being offered on a study program lasting from one week to five weeks long by two or more CCU faculty in locations around the world. There is one cycle of approval and recruitment annually. For this year's offerings, please click here.
  • For details, materials, and timeline on how to submit a proposal for a program, check out the Forms page (under Global Engagement) to review the Guide to Developing Faculty-Led Programs.  For critical timelines for students applying for faculty-led programs offered in 2023-24 and the time frame for faculty to submit program proposals for programs to be offered in 2024-25, please click here.
  • Take CCU students abroad to a competition, research site, or conference.  Conference travel, academic or athletic competition, or research opportunities abroad may arise that support our students’ development and advance research, academic and/or athletic development. Please note that effective in 2022/23, all such travel events must be reported to the Office of the Associate Provost for Global Initiatives to enable effective support and information provision for faculty and students involved.
International Travel

Last year, more than 400 CCU students, faculty and staff members traveled abroad for university activities. Supporting the health and safety of CCU's campus community is critical. While the security of any location (at home or abroad) cannot be guaranteed, CCU makes every effort to provide a supportive structure to prevent crisis through preparation activities, and to be able to respond comprehensively and quickly in case of an emerging issue. All CCU faculty, staff and students traveling on behalf of the university must be covered by our insurance that covers medical costs abroad, repatriation and death benefits, and emergency evacuation. Moreover, CCU faculty are covered by a general liability policy while acting in their university roles abroad. Please review International Travel ( for more details including processes involved to be approved to travel abroad by type of travel – conference, research, travel with students, etc.

Bringing International Visitors to Campus

Bringing International Visitors, Scholars, and Lecturers to Campus Please reach out to the  to share your interest in bringing international visitors, scholars who are doing research with you, and/or lecturers who would teach in our regular classes, performance spaces, and/or laboratories. We have several programs available. 

  • International Visiting Lecturer Program– This program, which provides opportunities for CCU departments to request short-term scholars from abroad to teach for ½ semester or a full semester International Visiting Lecturer Program Info and Application with a limited stipend from CCU will continue. Scholars must meet all eligibility criteria to teach at CCU and a limited number of spaces are available. Applications are also available on the CCU Forms page (Global Initiatives). The deadlines to apply by departments for the upcoming year are: February 15 and October 15 annually.
  • International Visiting Scholar Program - In support of international research cooperation and assuring compliance with federal immigration regulations, this program allows departments to invite (and/or external scholars to request approval for hosting) an international scholar to complete research work on CCU’s campus over a specified time period. Requests are received throughout the year, and the International Visiting Scholar Request Form is also available on the CCU Forms page. In most cases, scholars are expected to cover their own expenses unless the hosting department is offering CCU funds in support of the scholar, which must be explicitly described.

Sharing your International Engagement and Campus Global Perspective Opportunities 

Please share your international engagement and efforts!We want to highlight the great work being done and inspire others to connect and engage. Please visit Our International Involvement to see the stories shared to date and to report yours. Limited funding is available.  

Supporting Education Abroad Participation for CCU Students 

Help us to encourage all CCU students to pursue career and personal enrichment opportunities through semester and year-long education abroad programs. We offer four types of engagement offerings: 

  • Semester and Year-long Education Abroad Programs with Partner Institutions and Through Third-Party Organizers
  • Short-term Study Abroad Programs led by CCU Faculty
  • Special Program – Faculty/Staff Travel with Students for Research, Competition, or Conference Travel
  • International Internships
  • Scholarships for Education Abroad – more than $100,000 available last year 

Surveys about student interest, Tableau reports showing international travel by typo of activity, and program guides and application materials are provided on the CCU Forms page.  You can refer also to the page for more details on types of programs, scholarships, etc. and the Career Services office or   for steps related to international internships.  

Semester and Year-long Education Abroad Programs

Help us to encourage all CCU students to pursue career and personal enrichment opportunities through semester and year-long education abroad programs. We work collaboratively faculty colleagues to advance a long-term education abroad options for students from all departments by developing and/or expanding partnerships with universities around the world. Allow us to share information about international partners whose academic expertise can add value to the experiences and skills you want for the students in your major!

  • CCU has a range of semester and year-long education abroad options spanning across five continents through direct exchange relationships. We also offer options through third-party providers to increase students' access to a broader range of study, research and service-learning programs abroad. For more information and application deadlines, please visit the website.
  • In many cases, CCU students can pay in-state tuition rates to participate in semester and year-long education abroad programs through our direct exchange partner institutions.
  • The Education Abroad Expo, general information sessions and classroom announcements are organized each semester to teach students about the international opportunities available to them at Coastal.

Our biennial surveys, available on Forms page under Global Engagement, show us the importance of faculty encouragement, citing instructors' announcements in class as the single most important way they receive information about education abroad options. We thank you for your partnership in this effort to inform our community!

International Internships

In the past few years, the range of CCU-approved international internships has expanded significantly. Please visit the International Internships website to explore options for students in your college.

Short-term Faculty-led Education Abroad Programs

Lead students abroad through one of our faculty-led programs! To learn more about the proposal deadline and process, please contact Ms. Mandy Reinig, Director of Education Abroad at

Want to Set up a New (or Modify an Existing) Institutional Agreements with International Partner Universities, Research Partners or Other Institutions? 

Please contact Associate Provost Darla Domke-Damonte, if you are considering a collaboration with a new international partner to further your professional and departmental goals. We have had exchanges, research collaboration agreements, transfer articulation degree programs, etc.   

Consider applying for or mentoring a Student for an International Prestige Scholar Programs 
  • Fulbright Program grants are available for CCU faculty and staff.  The CCU Fulbright Council was formed in Spring 2016. All are welcome to join. The Council promotes Fulbright events on campus, and members encourage and mentor faculty as well as student applications for Fulbright grants. Since 2012, 10 CCU faculty have been awarded Fulbrights.  More than 17 current CCU faculty are Fulbright Scholars and several CCU students have been mentored through the application process. The AHGEP (Arts and Humanities Global Experience Program) at CCU welcomed our first Fulbright Outreach Lecturers in Spring 2016. These programs bring valuable opportunities to bring resources to university activities and the larger community. If you would like to consider bringing Outreach Lecturing Fund scholars to Coastal, please review the Fulbright website, and share your ideas with Associate Provost Darla Domke-Damonte. 
  • CCU’s Office of National Scholarships that supports mentoring for students across a wide range of international scholarship/fellowship opportunities.  Check out the awards and success of our students in CCU In the World.  
  • Faculty are encouraged to participate both as an applicant and as a mentor to students/fellow faculty. If you are aware of other prestige scholar programs, please share!

Other Institutional Programs  

International Education Week - Every year in November, the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of State set aside a week to help focus on awareness of other cultures and institutional settings. This year, the dates will be November 18-22, 2024. Look for information about collaborative programming, and please share with us opportunities of which you are aware (events, presentations, etc.) that would be open to the community. 

Cultural Arts Calendar 

CCU’s Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts creates a robust annual Cultural Arts Calendar offering arts and cultural events, many of which include international connections and perspectives. 

CIEE International Faculty Development Seminars, Support 

The Council for International Educational Exchange offers multiple opportunities to support faculty involvement including: 

International Faculty Development Seminars: Provide academic focus workshops around the world to incorporate global views into course content, create new courses and/or build partnerships with colleagues in your discipline for academic enrichment. Ve

ry affordable seminars (usually between $2,450 and $4,400) for a 10-day program. Scholarships/grants are available. 

CIEE Visiting Guest Lecturer Program: Guest lecturerships at one of its four Global Institutes are available for Fall, Spring and Summer terms. 

China, Japan Studies Institutes 

The China Studies Institute (CSI) [Zhi-Xing China Academic Leaders Fellowship Program] is a three week program held in China.  CSI allows AASCU faculty members without prior experience in Chinese studies to learn from scholars, business leaders, and education administrators about Chinese civilization, history, language, business and education in Shanghai, Xian and Beijing.  The Institute encourages participants to develop strategies for incorporating Chinese studies into courses on their campuses. The Institute involves three weeks of intensive seminars, lectures, readings, and cultural activities related to Chinese history, culture, literature, government, business, language and education. Institute faculty will include scholars, administrators, representatives from the local Chinese community, and government officials.  CSI fellowship grants are available to cover most of the costs of the Institute for each participant. To register or for more specific information, visit: or contact Sufei Li by email at, or by calling 571.594.6668. 

The Japan Studies Institute (JSI) offers AASCU faculty members without prior experience in Japanese studies to learn from scholars, business leaders, artists and journalists about Japan, both past and present. The two week institute, located on the campus of San Diego State university, encourages participants to develop strategies for incorporating Japanese studies into courses on their campuses. The Institute involves intensive seminars, lectures, readings, films, and cultural activities related to Japanese history, culture, literature, government, business, language and education. Previous programs have included topics as diverse as wartime and occupation Japan, social relations and the changing role of women in Japan, Japanese foreign policy and regional relations, classical music, ikebana, calligraphy, survival Japanese, Japanese film in the classroom, and philosophical and religious traditions in Japan. The formal program is complemented by a number of off-campus and evening activities. Institute faculty will include scholars, representatives from the local Japanese community, artists, journalists, and government officials.  Most of the costs of the JSI are covered by a grant from the Japan Studies Institute endowment. 
To register or for more specific information, visit: or contact Jody Dixon by email at, or by calling 202.478.7814. 

AsiaNetwork Faculty Enhancement and Other Programs 

Multiple programs are available. Seminars and research study grants are available, and programs that support faculty learning about an area about which they have no background. Deadlines vary. 

Do you have ideas for new initiatives with potential for raising global awareness about Coastal Carolina University, bringing international students to campus and/or increasing the global awareness of our CCU community? Please share your ideas and/or requests with Associate Provost Darla Domke-Damonte.