Faculty-Led Short-Term Study Abroad Programs

Faculty-led Short-term Study Abroad Programs

  • Faculty Study Abroad Program Guide - This guide provides background and step-by-step guidelines for faculty interested in developing and leading study abroad programs and will now be housed on the CCU FORMS page.
  • Short-term Study Abroad Program Support - The Center for Global Engagement coordinates the review of new and ongoing programs in cooperation with the International Programs Committee of Faculty Senate and handles advertising, centralized online application process, and (for some programs) budget management for study abroad programs, making the faculty member's job a little easier and providing university-wide promotional programming each fall for all short-term study abroad programs.
  • Short-term Study Abroad Program Development Cycle - Each year the Center for Global Engagement and the Global Engagement Committee of Faculty Senate welcome new applications and ongoing programs for providing short-term study abroad programs for CCU students.  Discussion times will be organized within each college to learn about these opportunities, ask questions and take action for you to bring these experiences to our students!

Key Deadlines for Short-Term Faculty-Led Programs

For Students Applying to Programs Offered in 2023-24:

    • Deadline to apply for short-term faculty-led study abroad program is October 26, 2023
    • Deadline to apply for scholarship for short-term study abroad program is October 30, 2023


For Faculty Developing Programs for Offer in 2024-25:

Fall 2023 - Times to be determined

January 2024                               
Deadline for department chairs to receive notification of faculty-member interest in developing a proposal

February 2024                               
Program Proposal deadline - See Forms Page, under Global Engagement for the Proposal forms, budget forms and Guide to Developing a Faculty-Led Program.  

March 2024
Global Engagement Committee reviews and recommend and Associate Provost and Provost review and approve programs for the 2024-25 academic year.

April 2024                                    
New programs for the 2024-25 academic year are announced. Program leaders meet and training.

Summer 2024
Program websites and application materials are finalized.  

Fall 2024                                    
Application cycle opens for 2024-25 Faculty-Led Programs Abroad