Gilman Scholarship Program

Benjamin Gilman Scholarship Program

The Benjamin Gilman Scholarship Program was developed to diversify the kinds of students who study or intern abroad, based on ethnicity, first-generation, disabilities, underrepresented fields of studies. The program provides scholarships only to students who are recipients of Pell Grants, with funding available of of up to $5,000 for students to study or intern abroad.  An additional $3,000 is available for those students studying a critical language in a country in which that critical language is predominantly spoken.

CCU students are winning these awards!  $83,000 in Gilman Scholarships have been awarded to 21 CCU students since Fall 2021!

Please take a look at announcements of recent recipients:

Prior winners of this and other nationally competitive scholarships are available at: 

Want to learn more about the Gilman Scholarship?

Please take a look at the attached information pieces that will help you learn more about the program and begin your application!

Gilman Scholarship Program:  Composing Competitive Essays Tutorial

Follow On Service Project

Program Overview 

Think because you have a disability you can't study abroad?  Think again!  Gilman encourages and supports education abroad for students with disabilities to study abroad 

Want to go where others haven't gone before?  Gilman encourages Education Abroad in Non-traditional Destinations 


Watch  video testimonials of past Gilman recipients:

Check out these videos featuring advice from recent Gilman Scholars, Jada Forbes, Cage Mitchell, Christian Simmons, and Vanessa Venegas-Soriano.

How do I get started on my Gilman Scholarship?

For more information about the program in general or to get started with your application, please go to the program webpage at Webinars are often held by the Gilman Program offices to help you develop your application and are always shown on the webpage above. 

Take a look at the informational video:

CCU Gilman Overview Video_Fall2023.mp4

Ready to get started? 

After you take a look at the online presentation, please reach out one of our campus Gilman Advisors to help get you started in our mentoring program to support you as you develop your application!