A learner-centered academic environment, where high quality teaching and engaged learning is supported by collaborative interdisciplinary research.

Visit our Graduate Degree Programs page to learn about the advanced degrees and certificates offered here at Coastal Carolina University, or check out the links below for more information about our campus, student resources and the surrounding area.

Vector image of a building with roman columns Tuition and Fees   The letter Visitor Information
Teal colored graduation cap Graduate Degree Programs   Icon of a teal tri-folded piece of paper Campus Map
Teal Colored Computer Icon Web Tour   Teal location icon Around CCU



Graduate Student Funding and Support

The College of Graduate and Continuing Studies is here to assist you in anyway we can along your academic journey. As a graduate student at Coastal Carolina University, a number of financial, academic, and personal resources are at your disposal. 

Please use the links below to discovery all the ways Coastal can help #CCUSucceed!

  Teal outline of a briefcase Career Services   Teal outline of a paper and a magnifying glass Research   Teal colored graphic of three people Student Services & Support